Page 171 of The Long Way Home

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Way too familiar.

His hands on her body make me feel like something’s crawling under my skin.

I need to talk to her.

I shove my hands through my hair.

Toss Jordan a weak smile. All my smiles are weak these days. Or maybe that’s just me.

I nod at Taura, giving her eyes that ask her to please, take Jordan away for a minute.

She gets it. I know she gets it — me and Taurs are pretty tight, on a good jive. I know she knows why I want her to take Jordan away, and she gives me a look and mouths no.

We go back and forth

Yes — I scowl.

No — she scowls more.

Yes — my eyes go wider.

No — so do hers.

Yes! — my eyes might fall out of my fucking head.

Fine! — she mouths, eyes slits.

“Jordan,” she sings. “have you seen their indoor basketball court? In. Sane.” Taura pulls her away, glaring over her shoulder at me. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Parks moves away from Haites over to the bar.

I go stand next to her. Stare straight ahead.

“‘You have nothing to worry about, Ballentine,’” I repeat her text back to her.

Her eyes pinch, sucks in her cheeks. Breathes in, out.

“‘I love you, Parks,’” she repeats back to me, adjusting her gold headband.

“I do love you,” I sigh.

“Could have fooled me,” she says as she looks up at me, eyes so dark the emeralds have turned to onyx. I lean in closer to her than I should. My eyes fall down her body.

“You’re in black,” I tell her. She never wears black. “That’s different.”

Her eyes catch mine. “I am different.”

“Why?” I stare at her, shaking my head. “Because I slept with Jordan after we had a fight? You and I, we weren’t together—”

“Clearly.” She nods, distant and controlled.

I roll my eyes at her.

“So what?” I take a sip of my drink. “You’re dating a gang lord now?”

Vintage Parks, runs off to date the first man she can find who isn’t me.

“—Thank you,” she says to the bartender who hands her a martini. “Guys like Julian don’t date.”
