Page 211 of The Long Way Home

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“Shut up!” He grabs my finger.

“Just tell her!” I stomp my foot.

He shakes his head. “Fucking stay out of it!”

“You’re being so stupi—” I shove him, he shoves me back.

“Well you’re always stupid and I never say anything!”

“Then you’re a terrible friend!”

“You’re a terrible friend!”

My jaw falls open. “I was voted the best friend in the whole grade when—”

“—We were nine!” he whisper-yells and I’m annoyed that he’s diminishing that for me so now I’m smacking him all over his stupid body.

“You act like you’re nine!”

“What the fuck nine-year-olds are you hanging out with?”

“I don’t hang out with nine-year-olds, you stupid idiot!”

“I’m not an idiot, you’re an idiot!” Christian starts as he puts me in a headlock and then someone clears their throat and we freeze. Christian in his underwear, me in nothing but the angel sleeve robe and the tiger embroidery triangle bra and brief set, all from Fleur du Mal.

Julian and Daisy are both standing there. Daisy, who’s barely dressed in a T-shirt that I know is Christian’s (J’accuse!!!) and is as unimpressed with me as always. Julian, towel-clad, very handsome when wet, and his whole face pinched to perfection.

He squints over at us, eyes moving between us. “What’s going on?”

I let out a nervous laugh. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

Daisy bites down on her bottom lip, annoyed. “And what does it look like?”

I give her a demure little shrug and Christian shakes his head about like an idiot. “I’m not still in love with her,” Christian announces rather unceremoniously as he gestures towards me. “At all.”

“Right.” Daisy’s eyes pinch. She looks suspicious and I feel a pang of guilt.

“No, he’s right. He’s not. At all,” I jump in. “I just think Christian’s being a bit of a ninny.”

“Why’s that?” Julian asks, staring me down a bit.

“Because he won’t just tell D—”

And then fucking Christian Hemmes clamps his stupid hand over my mouth, laughing loudly to shut me up.

“She’s drunk!”

“I am not!” I try to say but it barely comes out.

“Don’t listen to her!” He starts shaking his head, looking between the Haiteses before realising he’s still holding on to me.

And — you’re not even going to believe this — he makes this sound like he’s grossed out by me and — get this — flings me away from him over to Julian who — by the way — isn’t even looking at me. He’s staring at Christian with this bemused, baffled combination but catches me nevertheless.

There is something sexy in the way he does it.

Terribly unfazed at me being flung towards him, he steadies me on my feet with ease. And the way he grips me is so mindlessly strong. I stare over at my ex-second-best male-friend and give him a sharp look. “I did not care for that, Christian.”

He keeps shaking his head. “Everyone just ignore her.”
