Page 229 of The Long Way Home

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“Ready?” she asks, eyebrows up.

I nod once.

She nods back. “Go.”

I over-stare at her, get to three in my mind before I feel my blinking starting to slow. Don’t want to close my eyes, if I’m honest.

“You look pretty today,” I tell her.

Her face goes soft for a second before her nose goes in the air. “We’re not supposed to talk when we do this—”

“Sorry.” I nod. “Start again.”

She nods once to signal the timer has restarted and then I reach over to wipe an eyelash from her cheek that isn’t there.

She blinks a lot and I fight off a smile.

“Sorry.” I shrug, flashing her my finger. “Eyelash.”

She stares at my finger for a second and then her eyes pinch, dubious. “There’s nothing there.”

“If you think I’m touching your face just because I felt like it, you’re insane—” I squash a smile.

She drops her chin to her chest, glaring over at me like she’s not pleased but it’s all over her that she is.

She breathes out her nose. “Start again… Now.”

“Do you not think I look good today?” I ask immediately.

She turns her head away from me. “I think you look good every day,” she says quickly and then grabs the sleeve of my hoodie. She doesn’t say what it is out loud but she mumbles it under her breath. “Logo chunky-knit hoodie. JW Anderson.”

Then she breathes out her nose. “Now, no talking. Fifteen, fourteen—”

“You can’t count out loud, that’s distracting,” I say just to annoy her.

“BJ!” She stomps her foot.

I lean in towards her and whisper, “I love it when you say my name.”

She swallows nervous. “That’s my line.”

“I stole it,” I tell her and her eyes turn to puddles.

Best fucking puddles in the world

“Guess what?” I say quietly, just because I want to keep her looking at me like this.


“Had my first tattoo removal session today.”

Her eyes get bigger. “Really?”

I nod.

She reaches over and peers down my shirt, looking at the bandage over it. “Did it hurt?”

Press my tongue into my top lip. “Yes.”
