Page 23 of The Long Way Home

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Don’t know whether it’s because I’m a cheater or because I’m defending my ex-girlfriend.

Both options are shit.

“Also,” I say and then grimace a bit. She gives me a dark look. Swallows. “I’m going to meet up with her.”

“What?” She blinks. “Why?”

Nice eyes. Crazy blue.

I shrug. “Because I need to.”

“But why?”

“Jordan—” I shake my head. “Me and Parks, we’ve been friends since I was six. And we were together for — how many years?” I shrug. “And I’ve hurt her more than anyone. I need to talk to her.”

She folds her arms over her chest. “What about?”

“We just need to sort out our shit.”

“You have shit?” She blinks, put off. “What shit?”

I look over at her, annoyed. More annoyed than I mean to be. “Of course we have shit.”

She breathes out of her nose, stares at her plate. Fruit salad. Parks would never order that. Too many things touching each other.

She sighs after a few seconds. “Do you have to?”

I nod. “Yeah, I do.”

Her eyes pinch. “I thought she was leaving?”

“First week of December.”

That’s another eyeball from her. Warranted, I guess. “You know her flight details now?”


I pull a face.

I do, but not for a reason I could explain to her.

And you know what — I do feel for her. Jordan, I mean. She’s on the back foot here. All girls are on the back foot when it comes to me and Parks.

“Why would she come to Christian’s? I thought she hasn’t spoken to Jonah in a year?”

“She hasn’t.” I rub my temples without realising. “But Christian and her are close.”

I steel for the grimace my face naturally wants to pull, even though I know it’s different now and I don’t have a fucking leg to stand on.

Their closeness, in context, is still a kick in the dick.

“Visits her with Henry sometimes,” I shrug.

I deleted Instagram whenever they went. Safer that way.

“Yeah, but he’s your best friend.” She sounds annoyed for me, which is sweet of her, I guess.

“Yeah—” I sigh, shoving my hands through my hair. “But he was hers first.” I give her a quick smile. Don’t know why I’m defending her — habit, I guess. “Her and the boys were in the same class since nursery.”
