Page 27 of The Long Way Home

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It’s so Magnolia, everything about it. If I let myself be caught off guard here I reckon I could choke up.

Parks skips over to Christian, jumps into his arms, and wraps herself around him like a fucking koala bear.

He’s not into her anymore — he’s with Vanna — but still I look away.

Jordan’s sort of frozen up. She’s watching Parks how you watch Olympic gymnastics — a bit of awe and this underlying fear something’s about to be broken. I squeeze her hand. She looks over at me, flashes a grateful smile.

Parks kisses my brother on the cheek and then her eyes fall to me.

They flick from me to Jordan.

Her eyes stay on Jordan a beat too long for it to be comfortable. Reading her, watching her, taking her in. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect.

I’ve met Magnolia’s new boyfriends billions of times, but I’ve never had a girlfriend before. New territory for us all.

Fuck. This could go sideways.

Magnolia extends her hand to Jordan and — boom — megawatt smile.

“You must be Jordan.” She tilts her head, smiling. Like she means it too. “It’s so wonderful to meet you.”

Jordan’s jaw gapes. So does mine.

“You… too.” Jordan frowns a tiny bit, confused. She catches herself, corrects her face, forces a smile. “W-welcome home,” Jordan stutters.

Magnolia shakes her head at Jordan like she’s being silly.

“I’m not home, really. Just for a minute—” Then she gives her another warm smile. “But thank you.”

She turns to me.

“She’s beautiful, Beej — well done.” She leans in. Bumps my cheek with hers. And that’s when I feel it on her — the lie. It’s a lie. She hates those kinds of kisses. They’re fake. Her mum does them. Drives her mad.

Magnolia pulls away from me, her eyes locked on mine. “She’s a keeper.”

Don’t know why that feels like a slap, but it does.

And then she moves away from me and plants herself between Taura and Jonah — which happens to be directly across from me — she’s not looking at me though, she’s looking at Jonah.

He gives her a big, nervous smile.

“If it isn’t the worst friend I’ve ever known.” She gives him a curt smile.

“…Wouldn’t that be Paili?” Taura asks, poking her head in, and Magnolia snaps her head in her direction, scowling.

“Sorry, sorry—” Taura shakes her head and looks at me, pulling a face.

Parks looks back at Jonah, eyes flicking up and down him. “And you’re not wearing all black—” She eyes his white trousers. “What’s happened?”

“You always wanted me to diversify my wardrobe.” He gives her a hopeful smile and she meets it with pinched eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Jo says. He means it.

Magnolia folds her arms over her chest. “I should think so.”

He lets out a tired laugh, bit of relief mixed in there too.

“What can I do, Parks?” He tilts his head at her. “To make it up to y—”
