Page 309 of The Long Way Home

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“BJ!” My mother gives me a stern look. “Are you distracting her from getting ready?”

“Yes,” Magnolia peeps from behind me, eager to not get a bollocking from my mum. “He’s being terribly distracting, Lil. He’s throwing T-shirts at me and telling me I have no friends.”

“Get out—” Mum eyes me as she points to the door.

“This is my room!” I roll my eyes at her.

“Not anymore, darling. This is going to be my craft room, I’ve just decided.”

“Is it?” Magnolia asks, cheerily poking her head from around me. “Can I come and use it?”

“You don’t like crafts,” I remind her.

“But perhaps I would if there was a room for it? What kind of crafts are you envisioning, Lilian? Flower pressing? Maybe some candle making?”

I squint down at her. “I’ll give you a million dollars if you can make a candle.”

“Alright, smarty pants.” She gives me a look. “Better call Zurich because tomorrow I’m making a candle.”

“Not if you’re not dressed within the next two minutes, you aren’t.” Mum points a warning finger at her before slamming the door.

“The one night of the year she’s a total head case—” I sniff, checking my reflection again and taking advantage of the chance to watch Parks in the mirror.

Fuck, she’s perfect.

Push my hands through my hair.

She unzips a big bag that says Giambattista Valli on it and pulls out the biggest, fluffiest yellow dress I’ve ever see.

“You kill Big Bird to make that thing?”

She stares at me like I just told her I killed her mother.

“This is Giambattista Valli’s infamous 2017 couture, buttercream yellow tulle layer gown.” She holds it against her chest, admiring herself. “It’s heaven.”

It’s a pretty dress, I’ll give her that. Bit like Belle’s from Beauty and the Beast.

She turns around, smiles at me all perfect and bratty. She knows she looks too beautiful to be a normal part of the world. Everyone else on the planet is a sidewalk and she’s the flower growing out of the crack in it.

I take a deep breath, suppress a smile as I stare over at her.

“Fuck.” I shake my head a bit.

“What?” She blinks.

I give her a look. “You know what.”

She ignores me and shows me her back.

“Do me up?”

I swallow heavy, walk over to her. Stand closer than I need to, but I need to.

Zip it slowly from the bottom up, one of my hands dragging up her spine with the zipper.

An Olympic display of willpower, a gold medal performance and first prize is fifty excuses to fuck this ‘friends’ shit and kiss her.

I take a step away from her. Take a couple of deep breaths.
