Page 333 of The Long Way Home

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She comes to a few hours later. The world’s best eyes flutter open and look down at me, tired and bleary, kind of how my heart feels.

I stand up and push the hair back from her face.

She gives me a weak smile and holy fuck, I love her.

Don’t know what I’m doing with my life anymore with how much I love her. Don’t know what to do with all the ways. I’ve got too many things I need to do with her, too many things I need to say, too many kisses for time—

Spent the last few hours since Bridget left sorting myself the fuck out — the next few weeks, what it’ll look like looking after her. Cancelled my shoots, got Jo to move my stuff into her place, couple of other housekeeping things — figuring out how to best tell her I love her out loud and quietly as well for the rest of our lives.

“Hi,” she chokes.

“Hey Parks.” I give her a gentle smile. My eyes are teary. “How are you?” I frown at her, don’t move my hand from her face.

She takes a few slow breaths, looks around the room confused. “You tell me?”

I give her a small nod. “Four broken ribs, fractured clavicle, a concussion, couple of stitches in your face—”

She instinctively goes to touch her face with her right hand but winces when she realises it’s in a sling.

“That’s the side with the broken clavicle,” I tell her too late.

“You’re awake!” Bridget says from the doorway. She’s got an armful of flowers and some balloons. She scowls at me as she walks by. “You said you’d call.”

“She just woke up.” I roll my eyes at her and she dumps a garden in my arms to fuss over her sister.

“What happened?” Magnolia asks, trying to sit up.

“Car accident—” Bridget frowns. “Don’t you remember?”

“I remember.” Parks nods. “Are you hurt?”

Bridge shakes her head.

“Your side was the one that got hit.” Gives her sister an apologetic smile.

Magnolia sniffs a little. “I’m glad.”

She means that too. She’d die for her sister.

“I hear my patient’s awake…” Her doctor walks in. Male. Youngish. Mid to late thirties. Good looking. Frowns when he sees me. Flicks his eyes over to Bridge.

“Sorry mate, immediate family only.”

Bridget grimaces.

Magnolia glances over at me wordlessly and I square my shoulders. Jaw set. Annoyed this fucking clown of a doctor is forcing my hand here before I even get to have the conversation with her myself.

“I’m her partner,” I tell him.

“Ooh,” Bridget coos. “What kind of partner?” That little shit.

I give her an exasperated look. “Life, sexual, dance, gaming—” I shrug and nod my chin at the doctor. “Take your fucking pick, Bridge.”

“We don’t play a lot of games,” Magnolia says quietly to no one in particular and I snort a laugh, giving her a look.
