Page 336 of The Long Way Home

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He scratches the back of his neck. “Because I bought us a place.”

I blink at him a few times. “What?”

“I bought us a four-bedder over in the Lancer Square complex—” A thought crosses his mind. “—Which reminds me — I’ve got some papers I need you to sign.”

I keep blinking. “Why?”

He looks at me like I’m an idiot. “So both our names are on it.”

“No—” I shake my head. “Why did you buy us a house?”

“Oh—” He nods. “Because I’m going to ask you to marry me in a minute, and married people usually live together,” he says with a shrug and then danders over to me casually.

I swallow, blinking a lot. “Are you being funny?”

“No, they really do.”

I frown at him. “BJ.”

He drops to one knee.

“How’s the weather, Parks?” He beams up at me.

“Oh.” I stare down at him, wide eyed. “It’s looking to be quite fine—”

“Just quite?”

I roll my eyes. “Eternally sunny, then.”

“Oh—” He grimaces. “Can’t promise that. Storms always come, they have to — brings balance.”

“What can you promise then?” I ask as I kneel across from him so we’re level.

“That I’ll love you forever.”

I roll my eyes. “Well, that’s hardly special, is it? You’ve done that already all your life.”

“So fucking marry me then, would you?”

I frown over at him but he’s completely serious. His cheeks are pink, his breathing’s a little fast, his eyes are nervous. And then he pulls out a ring from his pocket.

I glance at it then I frown at it.

My head pulls back. “Is that my ring?”

He gives me a look. “My ring, actually—” Cocky half smile. Single eyebrow up. “—that I gave you, that you tossed away dramatically in the middle of a fight.”

I give him an uncertain look. “Are we really referring to that particular instance as a ‘fight’?”

He pulls a face. “Definitely wasn’t not a fight, was it?”

I frown at him, snatching for it. “Give that back!”

He holds it out of my reach, squints at me playfully. “Are you saying yes?”

I press my lips together, trying not to smile too much.

I nod once. “Yes.”
