Page 342 of The Long Way Home

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I laugh once, shake my head at her. “Because I fucking know you, Parks. And I’ve thought about marrying you since I was six.” I raise my brows. “And also your real subtle Pinterest board named ‘dream engagement rings’ was of some help.”

“Ah.” She nods, a bit embarrassed.

“A husband’s best friend, Pinterest—”

She gives me a look. “You’re not a husband yet.”

“Well, if you’d just take this fucking ring I’d be one step closer.”

She rolls her eyes and then her face settles a bit. Sighs, looking at the Ballentine ring.

“I wouldn’t like to take this one off. It’s the most important thing I own.”

“Is that why you threw it at me in a fit?” I ask playfully.

She gives me a look. “Do you really want to pull at that thread right now?”

“I don’t—” Shake my head. “Comment redacted.”

“Good choice.” She nods.

“Thank you.” I nod back then kiss her, smiling on her mouth with mine as I do. Slip the ring on her finger and she gives me a glare she doesn’t mean.

“Do you like it?”

She nods, gazing down at it. “How’d you get it made so fast? You asked me just yesterday.”

I press my finger into my mouth, squint at her a bit. Give her a tight smile.

“Called the boys at Harry Winston on December 6th.”

She pulls back, blinking a lot.

“What?” She laughs.

I shrug.

“December 6th?” she repeats.

I nod once. “As soon as you said you were staying. Been carrying it around in my pocket since… ” I think back. “Christmas.”

“BJ!” She lets out a bewildered laugh.

“Had it in my pocket when I walked you home — thought about it. Probably should have, thinking back now.” My eyes pinch. “Would have saved us a bunch of time.”

She gives me an exasperated look.

Give her a shrug because I don’t really care how we got here, just happy to have arrived.

“It was always going to be you, Parks. Just a matter of when.”

We rent out the whole restaurant for this. Not because there are that many people coming but because we didn’t want the extra eyes.

We’re running about twenty-five minutes late for our own dinner, so when we get there everyone’s already arrived but Christian — weird, I’ll check about that later.

I think everyone thinks we’re here just to celebrate that we’re together.

No one knows. Haven’t told anyone. Not Jo or the boys. Parks hasn’t even told Bridge.
