Page 11 of Savage Elites

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Sometimes, I prefer noise to the silence.

With silence, you can hear your own thoughts.

Your raging heart beats pound so loudly in your ears, that it’s almost painful.

But with noise, you can drown out everything bad in the world. All of those pesky voices in your head seem to just fade away and you only worry about the voices on the outside.

Right now, I was grateful more than ever for the loud rap music blaring from the speaker behind me. As Cameron, a cheerleader from school, whispered in my ear, I could barely make out the scandalous words she was spewing. She wiggled on my lap, causing my dick to stir underneath her. Her hands were freely groping me and I knew that within the hour, I would have her upstairs and on her back. She would be screaming out my name as I pounded into her pussy, and then I would ignore her Monday morning at school.

I didn’t do relationships, but it didn’t stop half the females at school and in Savannah, from trying to tie me down. Each girl thought that they could tame me. Make me reconsider my decision to not date.

Talon walked past the couch, a blonde who I didn’t recognize on his arm, as he headed toward the large, spiral staircase in the foyer. Chuckling, I laughed to myself as he winked my way. Talon at times, could be worse than me. However, he had a tendency to get caught up in each girl and would date them for a few weeks before he became bored and found himself on to the next girl. His escapades exhausted me.

As I watched Talon head up the stairs, something caught my eye and I felt my heart skip a beat.

The last girl I would have ever expected to see at this party—any party actually—walked through the front door.

I recognized her friend, Macy, first. Though, Macy attended these parties frequently, I had never seen Scarlette accompany her. A flash of rage tore through me as a timid looking Scarlette followed closely behind her friend. She was nervous. Petrified. But worse, she didn’t really look like the Scarlette I was used to seeing. Her outfit was revealing and way too extreme for someone as beautiful as she was. Scarlette had a natural beauty that the girls at this party would kill for her. She didn’t need to show off those delicious curves or ample breasts to get attention. Just her presence alone was enough. Something about seeing Scarlette dressed like she was sent a fire though my body. I didn’t want her to look like the other girls.

“What are you staring at?” Micah asked, as he strolled into the room.

“Nothing,” I gritted out.

I heard Micah chuckle as he walked past me and over to the girls who were eyeing him. My eyes betrayed me as they continued to stare at Scarlette. Suddenly, Scarlette began looking around the room, like she could feel my eyes boring into her. Even though I should have looked away—I needed to look away—I just couldn’t.

When Scarlette’s eyes found mine, there was a spark in the air and an energy that pushed between us. In my mind, I pleaded with her to look away. She shouldn’t look at me like...she wanted me. Like I was someone worthy of her.

I wasn’t.

The way Scarlette looked at me was primal and I hated that I felt a strong desire for her. As quickly though as our spark ignites, it died down as she huffed and stormed away. Part of me was glad that she had left in an angry storm. Still, another part of me wanted to know where she was going. I had to know why she was here tonight.

Cameron’s tongue slipped along my jaw and I felt sick to my stomach. Earlier tonight, I had planned on fucking Cameron, but right now, I wanted to get her as far away from me as possible. Shoving her, Cameron fell off my lap and landed on the hardwood floor below.

“What was that for?” she asked, red flaming her cheeks from embarrassment.

I didn’t bother giving her a response, instead, I stepped over her and headed down the hall. I was a glutton for punishment; I knew that for sure. Seeking out Scarlette was only going to end in pain for me, but I just couldn’t worry about that. Honesty, I welcomed the hurt I would surely feel by the end of the night. At least, I wouldn’t be numb.

I had no idea where to start in looking for Scarlette. I shoved past people dancing and drinking and walked toward the living room. Mark Landis wasn’t really a friend, but I had been to enough of his parties to know my way around his house. Opening the glass French doors leading to the pool and patio area. Two topless girls walked past me, winking as they headed toward the pool. Music played outside, too, and a couple of guys were smoking a joint as they sat in the steaming hot tub.

My eyes roamed the backyard and I felt a sense of relief when I didn’t see Scarlette anywhere outside. Turning, I moved back inside and opened a bedroom door that led to the master bedroom. A couple was busy getting it on and yelled, as I opened and then quickly closed the door back. Frustration consumed me each time I walked into a room or darkened hallway and didn’t find Scarlette. Finally, I made my way to the kitchen where a group of girls were huddled around the large, glass punch bowl on the kitchen island. Standing in the center of the girls was Scarlette. A glazed over expression covered her face.

Leaning against the doorframe, I crossed my arms as I watched her. I felt like I could finally relax a little. I knew I had no business stalking Scarlette like this. Still, I knew I had to keep an eye on her. She was too good, too naïve, too sweet to be at a party like this. Drugs, drinking, and wild sex should not be Scarlette’s scene.

Laughing, Scarlette spotted me and held up the red solo cup in her hand, smiling, before downing the cup. She swayed a bit as she placed the now empty cup on the counter. She was definitely drunk and that didn’t sit right with me. I wondered if she had ever been drunk before. My eyes found Macy and she looked nervous, watching Scarlette let loose. That didn’t sit right with me either.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and as I pulled the device out, I spotted Gabby’s name on the screen.

Gabby: Hey, where are you?

Me: At a party.

Gabby: No shit. I’m here, too. Where are you?

My head began to pound. Gabby wasn’t supposed to be here. I didn’t like for her to parties when the rest of us; myself, Talon, and Micah, were drinking or getting high. Even though Gabby is an Elite and most guys are terrified of her, none of us liked the idea of her at a place where we would have to keep an eye on her. Trouble seems to follow Gabby everywhere she goes, and I wasn’t in the mood to babysit her right now.

Me: I’m in the kitchen. Where are you?
