Page 27 of Savage Elites

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An hour later, I am sitting on a brown leather couch in what looks more like a resort, rather than a lake house. Music fills into the house through open windows as a DJ is set-up out on the large deck that overlooks the lake. People drink and dance all around me. A couple of guys pass around a joint in the kitchen.

I sit nursing my beer and counting down the minutes until we can leave. Everyone around me is trashed, except for Gabby. She had one rough night after drinking way too much, and she hasn’t had a drop since.

She’s busy dancing on the patio with a few girls who she dances with on the dance team. They throw their hands up in the air like they have no cares in the world.

“Hey, Ason,” Tara Jones says, as she sidles up next to me on the couch.

Her bleach blonde hair flows down her back and her drunken eyes drink me in. She smells like tequila and roses and the scent is almost unbearable. She rubs her leg against mine and I notice that her skin tight white dress barely covers her ass.

“Hey,” I offer, not bothering to look at her.

She pats my shoulder as she leans in closer. She’s well past drunk right now and acting sloppy. “Want to go upstairs?” she asks, her words starting to slur.

“Nope. I’m all good,” I say, taking a drink of my beer.

Her hair brushes against my neck and the sensation almost have me jumping off this sofa. “Come on, I’ll suck you off,” she offers, batting her fake lashes at me.

Shaking my head, I throw back the remainder of my beer and then push Tara off of me. Storming through the kitchen, I inhaled a hard breath. A few people I passed tried to talk to me, but I kept walking. I found the laundry room and decided to hide out in there for a little while.

My phone began blowing up with texts and calls, but I just ignored them all. The last thing I wanted to do right now was talk to anyone. I felt my pulse kick as images of Scarlette flew through my mind. More than anything, I wished that I could be sitting with her at her house. Talking about nothing at all while eating those ridiculous cookies. The thumping of the music mixed with the beer and stale stench of weed was giving me a headache. A nice, quiet night at home sounded really nice.

A pounding on the door rocked me and I swung the door open. “What the hell, man?” Talon asked, a girl hanging off his arm.

“What are you doing?” I asked, watching the girl nibble on his ear.

“Dude, this girl wants me, but all of the rooms upstairs are occupied. Can I use the room after you?” he asked, leaning into the room and glancing around for what I assume was a girl. “Wait, are you in here alone?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

I moved my hand from the doorknob and shoved past him. “It’s all yours,” I grumbled, moving past them.

Talon yelled out a thanks before I heard the door slam and giggling ensued. Shaking my head, I moved back to the kitchen. Most of the people were now outside or in the living room. Leaning against the black granite countertop, I looked around for any signs of Gabby or Micah. I was ready to get the hell out of here.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes on me. Tara was sauntering toward me, a smirk playing on her lips. Damn, this girl can’t take a hint. I try not to give her any attention, but she doesn’t seem to notice. Tara has been after the Elites for years. She has slept with Talon and sucked Micha’s dick. I knew she was after me, too, and normally, I wouldn’t think twice about banging her. However, the thought of hooking up with some power-hungry slut like Tara, just doesn’t feel right.

“Where did you go?” she asks, sliding next to me.

“I wanted some privacy,” I tell her, hoping for once she will take the hint.

Smiling, she leans in and brushes her hand against my forearm. Her fliting does nothing for me and I desperately want to run away from here. It terrifies me that the only place I want to escape to right now is Scarlette’s house.

“That sounds fun. How about we go upstairs and look for an empty room?” she asks, licking her lips suggestively.

Tara presses her body against mine, taking her hands and raking them down my chest. I see a few people pulling out their phones, ready to get a good shot of me and Tara. I’m sure they expect some X-rated show, but that’s not what I am feeling tonight.

Grabbing her hands, I shove her off of me and Tara let’s out a yell as she stumbles backward.

“What is wrong with you, Ason? You’ve never turned down pussy before,” she hisses out.

A few people crowd around us, still watching the scene playout. I hate how everyone feels like they have a right to watch me. To listen to my arguments. They don’t even see me as a real person.

Fuming and tired of all of this bullshit, I slam my hands down on the cool counter. “Nothing is wrong with me, you dumb bitch. Maybe I don’t want to hook-up with someone as desperate and easy as you,” I yell out, my rage exploding like a volcano.

Tara looks as though I have physically assaulted her. A sob escapes from her pouting lips as she runs from the room. I don’t feel bad for what I said. I meant every damn word. The world was full of girls like her. Ready and willing to use their body as a weapon to get a guy like me. I didn’t want that anymore.

I stood there for a moment until I heard a familiar voice break though my anger-fueled trance.

“Ason, I think it’s time to leave,” Gabby says, walking up to me.

Nodding, I push myself away from the counter and follow her outside. As we head to the car, I stare up at the night sky. The stars shine down brightly and I wish more than ever that I could just soar up into the vast sky and be part of those shining balls of fire.
