Page 42 of Savage Elites

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“Is something wrong?” mom asks.

I almost chuckle at her reaction. They think something is the matter since I am dressed and about to go out like a normal teenager.

“Well, a friend called and wants to go hangout for a little while,” I tell them, fidgeting with my phone in my hands.

They glance at one another. Clearly, they don’t know how to handle this. It’s a school night, but I’ve never asked to go out before. I can see them torn.

“I guess that’s ok, but don’t stay gone too long,” mom says, smiling.

“Thanks!” I yell, as I run to the front door.

I want to meet Ason on the driveway. I would die if he came to the door and my parents were to meet him. Eventually, I’m sure I will have to explain him to them, but I need to prepare myself for that. Telling my parents that I’m going out with an Antoni will be...interesting.

I see the headlights of Ason’s car heading toward me and my heart begins to race. When he pulls into my driveway, I open the passenger door and the smile on Ason’s face causes my heart to flutter. His scent assaults me and I internally memorize it.

“You are very bossy, you know,” I say, as I slide into the cool leather seat.

“No, I just am very assertive,” he says, grinning from ear-to-ear.

I giggle at this as we back out my driveway. “So, where are we going?” I ask, watching as the houses blur by.

“It’s a surprise,” he says, winking at me.

My heart flutters but a ball of nervous energy flows through me. What if he wants to take me to a party? Biting my lip, I begin to fidget with my phone as I contemplate what to say next. I have questions for him, but I am also enjoying the silence between us. As we drive, there is this comfortable vibe floating between us. It’s nice.

“Ok. So, why aren’t you hanging out with your friends?” I dare to ask him.

I see Ason’s jaw tense and he drives a little faster, which causes my nervousness to only intensify.

“I was with them earlier, but I needed to see you,” he said, as though it were an admission that he was afraid to make. “Talon, Micah, and Gabby are at a party with the rest of the school.”

He frowns and I hate seeing him look so sad. “What’s wrong?” I ask quietly.

The lights from a passing car streak across his face and illuminates his face. I am struck breathless by his handsomeness. Without warning, he reaches across the car and grabs my hand, squeezing tightly. He shakes his head and for a moment, I don’t think he is going to tell me what is ailing him. But when he finally speaks, I am listening intently. Hanging on his every word.

His words are tense. “I’ve spent my entire life surrounded by my friends. We are practically family; in fact, I think of them as family more than anything. But, there are things I hide from them that I just can’t seem to hide from you,” he says, daring a look my way.

His gaze heats me to my core and I force myself to look out the window in the hopes that I don’t catch ablaze. I notice that we have driven down to the riverfront. I sit up a little straighter as I notice our new location. I don’t dare speak as he pulls into a parking spot facing the riverfront.

As the car turns off, we sit in the darkness and silence for what feels like forever. “Scarlette, you know that I am an Antoni...” he says, a worried expression lacing his features.

“Yes,” I say, nodding.

He’s still holding my hand and I squeeze back, giving him the comfort that I feel that he needs.

We both stare out over the water, as a large boat sails past us. It’s quiet here in the night. It’s nice and I see why he brought me here.

“There are things in my life that are just out of my control,” he sighs, and runs a hand through his hair. “My future has been planned out for me, even before I was born. Gabby, Micah, and Talon have all embraced the lives that we live, but it’s not what I want,” he states flatly. I know that he is referring to the mafia, but I don’t dare say it aloud. With the mafia in Savannah, it’s something that you know exists, but you never speak of. Sort of like a secret society. Instead, I listen. Ason seems like he needs to say this; to get these emotions off his chest. As he continues, I watch his face carefully. “I want something different. I want more than the life my father has created. I can’t tell him that, it would destroy him.”

I feel his pain and I want nothing more than to take it all away for him. My pulse is racing as I stare at him. I need to say something now.

“Sometimes, I wish that my life was different, too,” I explain.

I know that my life and struggles can’t compare to what Ason is going through, but it’s all I have to offer right now.

His eyes seem to lighten and he doesn’t look as severe as it did just moments before.

“How is it that you seem to find a way to calm me down?” he asks, his voice filled with confusion. Shaking his head, he offers a sad smile. “When I was a little kid, my parents sent me to a therapist for my outbursts,” he said, using hand quotes at the word, outbursts. “I’ve seen men killed. I’ve heard stories from my father and uncles; about the brutal ways they have tortured men. How they have lied and cheated the system to get the power and money they have today. I love my parents, I truly do. I even had mad respect for my dad, but the life he created isn’t the one I want and I fear that if I don’t say something soon, my own turmoil may kill me.”
