Page 44 of Savage Elites

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Slipping my finger in my mouth, I sucked Scarlette’s juices.

She tasted sweet and delicious. Now that I had had a taste of her, I knew I would never be able to get enough of her. Pulling back into my driveway, I spotted Micah’s large truck. Great, what the fuck was he doing here?

Heading inside my house, it was relatively quiet. As I made my way upstairs, I could hear the sounds of Call of Duty playing on my X-box in my bedroom. Walking inside, Micah and Talon were sitting on my floor, their controllers in their hands as they played a game on my large television. It’s not unusual for them to be in my room. Hell, it would be weird if they weren’t always at my house. We are family—brothers and right now, they are getting on my last nerves just like pesky brothers.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” I ask, as I kick off my boots.

I think about heading to the bathroom to rub one out because Scarlette was like a drug to me. Even though I had her earlier, I found myself wanting her again.

Micah turns to look at me, but Talon never takes his eyes off of the game.

“I think we should be the one asking questions,” Micah says slyly.

“Why did you bail from the party? Everyone wanted to see you,” Talon chimes in.

I fall onto my bed, watching the game. “Why does it matter? Did you all get laid tonight?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“Hell yeah, we did,” Micah shouts.

Ignoring the comment, I scroll through my phone and see several missed calls and texts. “Where’s Gabby?” I ask.

Shrugging, Talon turns to look at me finally. “No clue. She said she had something to do after we all left the party.”

I wondered what she was doing. I didn’t have any missed texts from her and that was strange, but right now, I needed to worry about getting rid of Talon and Micah so I could jerk off and then go to bed.

Talon kills Micah in the game and they both throw their controllers down. As they turn to face me, I drop my phone on the bed and glare back at them.

“Alright, what is it?” I ask them.

“Have you given any thought to what you want to do?” Micah asks me.

I know that they mean well and that they are only bugging me about my decision because I’m the oldest and they already view me as their leader, but what they don’t realize is that this isn’t easy for me.

Releasing a sigh, I know that I can’t continue to be an asshole to them when they ask. They deserve an answer. “I know that whatever role I take, I want to ensure that I can have a normal life, too,” I begin. “Guys, we have lived the mafia lifestyle since we were born. Don’t you guys ever think about having a regular job?” I ask.

As soon as the words exit my mouth, I instantly regret them. Micah’s eyes almost bug out of his head and Talon looks at me like he didn’t just hear what I said. The backlash I am going to receive will be hell for sure.

Jumping to his feet, Micah throws his hands up in the air. “Don’t give me this wanting a regular job bullshit, Ason,” he yells. “We are in the mafia. We live it, breathe it, and fucking own this shit. No one gets out of this life.” His eyes are intense as he stares back at me.

I move off the bed, taking slow and easy steps toward him. Micah has a temper and he has swung on me before. Talon jumps between us, raising his hands up to separate us.

“I don’t want out. I just want a different role,” I plead.

It’s Talon who turns this time and yells. “Different role? Ason, you are going to be the boss. Our capo. How could you even consider not taking that role?”

Shaking my head, I move to my window and stare out over the vast landscape. It’s eerie to look at in the quiet of the night. As I turn back to face them, they are awaiting my response. “I will be your Capo, but things will be different.”

This seems to ease their worries a little. Micah’s shoulders relax and Talon’s breathing goes back to normal.

“Ason, we are family. Just tell us, what are you so afraid of?” Talon asks.

Their anger is gone, but in its place is concern. I’m not sure I prefer the second one. I can tell them the truth; that I don’t want to be a killer. That as a child, hearing the gun shots ring out from the swamps behind the house, would elicit such horrific nightmares in me, that I couldn’t sleep. I became an angry child and that same anger followed me into my teenage years. Listening to the stories of my father and uncle would flash wicked images into my mind that I could never escape from. They thought they were training me to be a man. To one day be the leader of the Antoni Mafia Family, but all they did was instill a terror inside of me that plagued me. Do I want to be the boss? Sure. Do I want to kill people? No. While I always understood that my father only hurt those who hurt others, it was the physical act of killing that scarred me. I envied my dad. Looked up to him as a strong and powerful man. But there was a side of him that enjoyed the vicious and cruel murders. He found pleasure in their pain and their deaths brought him peace.

“I’m not afraid of anything. I just... have someone that I care about now. Her safety is important to me,” I admit.

While using Scarlette as a scapegoat isn’t right, it is partially true. I do worry about Scarlette. Her safety means the world to me and I would die if anything happened to her.
