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"What would you want someone to say to you if you were getting engaged?" Drew asked, his eyes boring into mine—probably searching my soul.

I shrugged. But when he continued to stare at me, waiting for an answer, the words started spilling out.

"I guess I'd want the guy to start out by telling me how beautiful I am." I lifted my shoulder. "Yeah, in my fantasy world, a guy would think I'm gorgeous."

"You are." Drew was looking at me seriously.

I bit my lip and studied the painting on the wall. "And then I'd want him to tell me all the reasons he loves me, and not the generic things that could be true about anyone. The little details, the things that only he would know because he knew me so well."

Drew nodded, writing the wordslittle detailson the paper.

"What else?" He looked at me again, his gaze incredibly intense.

I grew hot under his stare. "I don't know.” I tilted my head to the side. “I guess I want the whole 'when I picture my future, I can't picture it without you in it.' You know, that kind of thing. I'd want him to say any other heartfelt things that came to mind, maybe talk about experiences that told him I was the one for him. And then he'd get down on one knee and ask me to marry him, and I'd say yes…well, if it was the right guy asking, of course."

Drew jotted down notes on everything that I had just said. But instead of writing down the actual proposal for Gwen, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"I can't do it.” He tossed the pen back on the table and stood. "I still can't think of anything to say. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this."

He gazed at me as if for reassurance, his eyes bobbing back and forth as he studied each of mine.

"Maybe you shouldn't." I stood.

Disbelief flashed on his face. "What?"

And instead of thinking too much, and telling myself not to do anything about it, to be patient and good, I leaned in and put my lips to Drew's, kissing him long and slow, as if I wasn't in any hurry at all.

When I pulled away, Drew's eyebrows were knit together. "But I thought you said not to—"

"Kiss me." I slid my hands up his arms until they rested behind his neck.

And an instant later, Drew was gripping my waist and pushing me against the wall. His lips collided with mine in a long, passionate exchange. His mouth was hot and moist and demanded that I answer his kiss. My rational thoughts disappeared, as did my inhibitions.

My hands traced their way down his back until they found the spot where his shirt had come untucked. I smoothed my fingers along the line of bare skin at his hip, wishing I'd decided to kiss him when his shirt was off. His skin was warm under my fingers, and I ventured to rub my palm along his back, his shirt lifting in the front as I did so.

"Are you trying to undress me?" Drew asked, his voice low and seductive.

“N-no." My whole body flushed with heat, and I immediately forced my hands down so his shirt dropped back in place.

"Good. Because I may be kissing you in a hotel suite, but I still plan to be true to my nickname."

"Saint Drew?" I asked, my voice squeaking at the thought that he assumed I was trying to bring him to the dark side.


"Have you never been tempted to ruin your good-boy reputation?" I asked breathlessly between kisses.

"Only every time I kiss you," he mumbled against my lips.

His hands slipped up my sides before moving to my back where they rubbed slow circles along my spine. My head became muddled again, and I forgot about why we were in Antigua. All I could think about was this moment. Him. Me. Alone in his room. Kissing each other the way I wanted to be kissed for the rest of my life.

I gasped when he trailed kisses along my jaw.

"I want you to be mine, Kate," he mumbled before finding my mouth again, taking my bottom lip between his and gently sucking on it.

"I want you, too."Askmeto marry you. Not Gwen!My mind screamed at him.

He lifted me from the ground and set me on the long dresser. A second later, he was cradling my head in his hand and kissing me again.

"I should have been kissing you like this for the past seven years." He leaned his forehead against mine after an exchange so heated I couldn't see straight.

I nodded and tried to catch my breath “I know."I want you to kiss me like this forever.
