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After leaving Kate's house,I called Gwen to see what she had to say about this evening's episode. It was late in Michigan, but it was important for me to get things off my chest.

"Did you watch tonight’s episode?" I asked as soon as Gwen picked up.

But before I could ask her my question she said, ”Why didn't you tell me you kissed Melanie on your first date? I thought I was the first kiss of the season."

She sounded so put off that I almost felt guilty. But I said, ”I never said you were my first kiss."

"Well, she didn't look like she was that good of a kisser anyway,” Gwen huffed. “So you're forgiven. I should actually probably feel bad for you for having to endure that."

I rolled my eyes and bit back the retort that it had actually been one of my better first kisses. I didn't need to sink to her level.

"So what did you need to talk to me about, honey?" Her voice was more syrupy than usual.

How had I put up with that annoying tone for the last couple of months?

"Well, like you, I watched the show tonight,” I said, just jumping in. “And I wanted to get your side before I made too many judgments on what I saw, since I know the editing department is really good at what they do. Is there something we didn't see?"

"Oh. You're wondering why I threw Jacey's shorts in the garbage?" She laughed in her silly, cutesy way, as she seemed to try to think of a good excuse for her rude behavior. "I was just playing a little prank on her. We did things like that all the time at the house."

"Really?" I didn't even try to hide the disbelief from my voice. "And did Jacey know it was just a good-natured prank?"

"Well, it turns out she doesn't have the sense of humor that I find to be very important. So no, it didn't turn out as I'd hoped."

Or you forgot that all the rooms had cameras in the corners that were turned on during the day.

"So the fact that she was trying to hurry and get ready for her hiking date with me didn't factor into your prank at all?"

Jacey had apologized to me about being late for our date because of a wardrobe mishap, but I never knew until now that Gwen had been the cause of it.

How many other things had she done that no one told me about?

I'd heard that on previous seasons of the show, women that tattled on the girl the bachelor had favored usually ended up regretting it. I just wished it had been different for me. I could have used some inside information before ending up with a girl who seemed to treat everyone like the show was truly just a competition.

"I know we're supposed to have a weekend getaway in a few days, but I think I actually need a break to clear my head,” I said.

"What?" She nearly shouted. "We haven't seen each other for a week and a half. We don't need a break. We need more time together, if anything."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. Was that all it was? Was I getting frustrated over the smallest things because I wasn't around her enough to remember all the good?

"Okay. Sorry.” I gave my head a shake. “You're probably right. This whole long-distance relationship is hard for me."

"I know. It's rough for me, too,” she said, her voice turning back into the soothing tone I’d loved. “But I'll see you this weekend and things will be great."

I hoped so…well,mostof me hoped so.

I was still trying to forget about that other tiny part that didn’t.

The next weekendwith Gwen was not what I would consider a success. I called Kate as soon as it was deemed an appropriate time to call on a Sunday morning and asked her to pick me up.

Gwen and I were done.

So much for making Alexis happy and not breaching my contract.

Oh well. It would be worth it not to be tied down to a nut job like Gwen.

I just wouldn't think about how I’d go down as the most hated bachelor in all ofFinding Your Soulmate'shistory.
