Page 11 of The Ranger's Baby

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“Your turn Freckles.”

With curiosity and wonder, she curled her fingers into his skin, feeling the tremor of his abs under her fingers, before smoothing them around to his back. The long, unbroken lines there were addicting to touch. With more confidence than she felt, she pushed his shirt up and he lifted his arms. Her eyes roamed his torso. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen a shirtless man before. You couldn’t do the work she did and never see that, but she was pretty sure she’d never seen one quite so perfectly put together as this one.

On impulse, she leaned in and pressed her lips to the hollow of his neck, letting her tongue peep out to taste him. He sucked in a sharp breath, but didn’t move to stop her, so she did it again. As she explored, his hand skimmed up to her back and eased under the strap of her bra, popping the hooks with a quick efficiency.

Laura let it drop. Something about him had her inhibitions and fears in hiding, and it felt amazing.

He pulled her close for another blistering kiss and this time her bare breasts were crushed against his chest, the crisp hairs there rasping the tender skin until she whimpered.

“Like that, Freckles?” he said into her mouth.

Laura could only nod and moan as his fingers came up and brushed the now peaked tips of her nipples.

Holy shit, were there nerves connecting her breasts to… there? It certainly felt that way right now. He did it again, and she shivered. One hand dropped lower, caressing her belly before popping the button on her jeans. Laura breathed a sigh of relief.

He managed to push her pants down to her knees before he had to break the kiss to finish getting them off. As he knelt there in front of her, his eyes locked on the vicious red marks in her skin from the jeans and he scowled.

She tried to cover them, but he held her hands back and pressed his lips to them, sending a shiver racing over her skin.

“You don’t know me, and I can’t tell you how to treat your body, Freckles, but I’ll tell you right now I hate seeing marks that must hurt on your body.”

She stared at him, stunned. He came to clubs like this because he enjoyed that sort of thing, what the—

He cut off her thoughts with a heart-stopping grin and responded to what must have been plain on her face. “I only hand out pain when the person on the other end is all in, too. Plus, there’s more to submission than pain.”

Memories assailed Laura, telling her that was a lie, but she forced them down. Now was not the time to think of them. Here and now. Thankfully, Rafe forced her back to it by using his teeth to tug at the waistband of her panties before laving the front of them from the elastic to the space between her legs with his tongue in broad, flat strokes.

Laura’s hips jerked, searching for something. What, she wasn’t sure. What on earth was he doing?

Eventually he eased the underwear down, took off her shoes and finished divesting her of the rest of her clothing. Laura waited for him to take his jeans off, but he didn’t. Instead, he helped her to lie back on the bed and then stretched out beside her. She opened her mouth to ask why he wasn’t getting undressed, but his lips covered hers and all thought fled again.

She was so lost in the kiss she didn’t notice his hand caressing her torso until his fingers plucked at her nipple and she arched into the sensation. Pulling back so he could watch her, he did it again, his eyes intent. Bending his head, he licked the tight point on the other side while his fingers continued to work their magic on the first one.

Laura closed her eyes, unable to deal with sensations rolling over her. When his weight pressed down on her, they snapped open, but he only switched his hot mouth to the opposite side, his fingers now playing with the wet, swollen one. Laura mewled, throwing her head back at the sensation.

She brought her hands up to his shoulders, but she wasn’t sure if it was to pull him closer or push him away. He wasn’t paying attention anyway but continued to tease her full breasts until she was shaking underneath him.

When he shifted, she thought he would come back up and kiss her. Instead, he started moving down. Laura’s breath caught as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses to her stomach, making her want to shrink in on herself, but there was nowhere to go. She was completely on display and Rafe seemed to enjoy her body. Maybe she didn’t have to be too attractive to turn him on?

That was the last coherent thought she had because he used his shoulders to push her legs apart and bending his head, he kissed her hot, throbbing center. She yelled out, and he did it again. This time his fingers pulled her folds apart, which felt wetter and more swollen than they’d ever been, and he delved inside her with his tongue.

Laura moaned, the sensation so overwhelming. No one had ever mentioned there was more to sex than, well… sex. What the hell was he doing? Was it always like this? She wished she could ask Harper, but that would just bring up bad memories.

No, she’d just enjoy this night… this weekend with Rafe. Chances were, she’d never do anything like this again. There would be no marriage and babies for her. But this she could enjoy.

Rafe changed his tactic, sucking on her now, right… oh. Her hips jumped off the bed all on their own. She couldn’t have controlled it if she wanted to. It took her a minute to realize her hands were in his hair and she was gasping and begging him for something. More. She didn’t know what, but it felt like her whole body was being wound up, but for what, she didn’t know.

He gave it to her. As he sucked, he flicked his tongue back and forth so fast she wasn’t sure how it was even physically possible and something inside her snapped. Hot pleasure washed over her body, rippling outward from where he was touching her. If Rafe hadn’t been holding her down, she might just have flown off the bed.

She’d heard a lot about heaven growing up, but now she knew it was all lies. This was heaven. She might not survive a weekend of this much bliss, but if it killed her, she’d die happy.
