Page 20 of Touch of Darkness

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The sandwiches Ark brought from the dining room were demolished in a matter of minutes. Maia ate hers sitting in Kheir's lap, a pleasant buzz moving across her skin at the feeling of his chest against her back, at the attention of her other mates.

Jaro's hand rested on her thigh and never once left even as he ate; Az sat with his back to the sofa, a hand wrapped around her ankle; and Ark practically devoured her with his stare, burning desire in his hazel eyes. On the outside, her golden guard seemed serious and stern, but she was intimately familiar with the passion that could scorch her from the inside out.

The second their plates were emptied, hands were upon her, Ark’s stare like a brand as he leant against the fireplace and watched. Kheir reclined against the arm of the sofa with Maia between his legs, and the solid warmth of him against her had Maia's body relaxing, a throb between her legs.

"Who should worship you first, my star?" he asked, kissing across her shoulder and pushing down the fabric of her shirt so he could touch bare skin. He was very careful not to jar her wings, she noticed.

"Me," Azrail answered for her, kneeling before the sofa and giving Maia a look that made her stomach flutter.

Kheir snorted, air fanning across her neck and raising goosebumps. "You're still earning her forgiveness. You can be next."

"Hey," Maia complained, turning to nip Kheir's shoulder. "Who put you in charge, your highness?"

"I put myself in charge, your highness," he replied with an infectious smile, rich chocolate eyes sparkling with mischief.

"She'smyhighness," Ark muttered under his breath but loud enough for them all to hear.

Maia was secretly thrilled by their possessiveness, but she couldn't let them know that. She pushed out of Kheir's arms and straddled Jaro's lap instead, rewarding his clever patience with a kiss.

"Hello, pretty kitty."

He groaned. "Not in company, love."

Maia smirked, ducking her head to lay a trail of kisses down his throat, a flight of butterflies taking off in her belly at Kheir's soft fae snarl.

Hands glided across her body as she sucked a spot on Jaro's throat that made him choke on a moan, and she couldn't quite tell which belonged to Jaro and which were her others mates'. Goosebumps covered her arms as her shirt was lifted, a calloused palm rasping over her stomach.

"Careful," Kheir snapped. "Watch her cut."

"I'm watching it," Az huffed, his velvet voice unmistakable as he kissed the back of Maia's neck.

"It's covered in gauze; I'll be fine," Maia said dismissively, heat pooling between her thighs as Jaro bucked beneath her, arching into her hot kisses. The slice on her ribs stung—never reallystoppedstinging—but it was background noise to the roar of lust as Azrail helped her out of her shirt and began unlacing her pants. Everywhere his fingers brushed, her skin tingled until she was rolling her hips against Jaro's and sucking on his throat.

"Saints, Maia," he groaned, breathy in a way that made Maia feel powerful and sexy all at once.

She helped Az remove her pants, warmth from the nearby fire licking over her bare skin as she settled back on Jaro's lap, catching her jaguar's mouth in a scorching kiss. His breath was ragged, his touches urgent and possessive as he pulled her close, skin to his soft silk tunic.

There was nothing cultured or delicate about the way he kissed her; like he'd starve without her lips and tongue taunting his. This wasn't the courtesan right now; this was pure beastkind Jaro, needy and flushed and tactile.

It was still strange to be with her mates all at once, but this feltright, like they were always meant to be together. Their attention made her body tingle, her heartbeat quick with awareness that they watched as she writhed naked on Jaro's lap.

"I want to taste you," Jaro breathed against her lips, his green eyes hooded and dark. His hands framed her waist, squeezing tight, desperation in every gesture and caress.

Maia nodded, licking her lips and tasting Jaro. Saints, the sight of him like this—beautiful and flushed, his eyes dark with need and expression tight—was enough to undo her. And that wasbeforehe pushed off the cushions, laying her back as he rose above her.

Maia’s back met hot, bare skin, and her clit throbbed when strong arms wrapped around her middle, holding her in place for Jaro as he kissed down her body. When had Kheir gotten naked?

"Hello, my star," Kheir purred, one hand sliding up her stomach to squeeze her breast while his tongue found her neck. For a second, Maia overloaded on sensations, Jaro's descending path of kisses making her whole body tighten.

Her eyes slammed shut and she caged her bottom lip between her teeth as Kheir rolled her nipple between his fingers. Jaro guided her thighs apart, tongue finding her aching clit, and she jolted hard.

"Shit, Jaro," she hissed.

Someone growled—fae and primal enough that she had no idea if it was Ark or Azrail. Even prising her eyes open didn't help; Az still knelt beside the sofa, sapphire eyes fixed on where Jaro's tongue explored, and Ark's expression was as bestial as she'd ever seen it, his teeth bared and chest rising and falling fast. His restraint was impressive, but she wanted him closer, wanted him here—

He moved before she could finish the thought, so responsive to her needs that her heart swelled. Ark nudged Azrail aside to kiss her, ignoring Az's soft snarl. She gasped into his mouth as Jaro's tongue lapped at her pussy, obsessively finding every tingling, aching spot and lavishing it with attention until Maia was groaning, her fingers sinking into Ark's golden hair and gripping tight.
