Page 23 of Touch of Darkness

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Maia's thighs shook, but she refused to let that stop her grinding against him, his cock deep inside, making everything tighten and throb.

"Fuck, Kheir," she groaned. How many damn orgasms would she have tonight?

And why was she complaining?

Someone would have to carry her back to their room, though. Az was right; no way would she be able to walk straight. She'd be lucky if she couldseestraight, with stars crowding into her vision and another climax coiling tight.

"You have my whole heart," Kheir rasped, forcefully returning his mouth to Maia's as she writhed against him, her hips frantic as she chased the lure of orgasm.

"You have mine," she managed to choke out before a cold shiver glided down her body and time seemed to skip, to stretch into a frozen stream.

When her orgasm hit, it was powerful enough to make her eyes roll back. Her body shook wildly until Kheir snarled and grabbed her tight against him, his cock spilling inside her. Maia choked on every breath, pleasure slamming into her in devastating waves and only Kheir's grip keeping her tethered to earth.

"Holy," she gasped, coming down with a shudder, "Fucking.Shit."

Her eyes stung from rolling back, butfuckthat orgasm had been incredible. For a long second, every part of her body tingled with magic, her soul soaring and her mind floating somewhere outside her skull.

"My star," Kheir groaned, kissing her shoulder as he took a shuddering breath. "You're lit up."

"Nng?" Maia asked eloquently.

"We can see your soul," Ark explained, a kiss landing on the outer edge of her wing and making her whole body lock. Sudden aftershocks made her shriek with their intensity. "Like a silver glow in your skin."

Maia had no idea what that meant, or what words were.

Kheir choked on a groan, lifting her off his cock when she kept throbbing as if he couldn't bear it. Through the slits of her eyes, Maia saw what they meant; a silver film had wrapped around her like a suit made of stars, glowing bright and beautifully.

Her soul—it was really her soul, visible for her mates to see.

When sense returned—sluggishly and hazy—she saw they were all staring at her with soft, awed looks on their faces. She couldn't describe the aching amazement on Azrail's face, his eyes shiny with an emotion she couldn't place.

"Come here," he rasped, hoarse with emotion.

Maia snorted. "Youcomehere, Knight. I might need a lift."

His expression transformed into a rakish smile that made him so handsome Maia’s heart hurt. She was still so sore from his rejection, but moments like this healed her, one tiny piece at a time. He looked at her like he wanted her—sapphire eyes dark, his throat bobbing as he swallowed, his hands flexing at his sides like he could already feel how she'd fit into them. He'd stripped to the waist, his tanned, tattooed flesh drawing her eye and holding her attention captive. Gods, he was stunning.

"My eyes are up here, sweetheart," he said with a laugh.

"Too busy making eye-contact with your abs," she replied with a shameless smirk.

Kheir laughed, kissing the edge of her jaw and helping her climb off him.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you," she said to Ark as he trailed a nerve-taunting touch down the outside of her good wing. Her clit throbbed, and she shot him a dirty look.

"You can walk," Azrail gasped, a hand flying dramatically to cover his mouth. "It's a miracle."

Maia rolled her eyes, but her smile was irresistible. She took four steps to him, her legs wobbly but shockingly upright. "Shut it, Knight."

Her wing tingled where Ark had touched it, both of them fluttering—betraying her emotion—when her Sapphire Knight opened his arms for her. He wrapped them securely around her waist when she stumbled into his embrace, a deep sigh leaving her lungs. She rested her face on his shoulder, his skin cool against her heated cheek.

"We can just go to sleep if you want, Mai," he murmured, kissing the pointed shell of her ear.

Maia made a sound of complaint. "That'd be unfair.Everyonedeserves this fine ass." She wiggled said ass.

"Keep doing that, and I'll make good use of it," Az warned, snapping his teeth near her ear and sending a flash of heightened awareness through her. "In the effort of fairness, naturally," he went on, his tone low and purring. "Then we can properlyshareyou, sweetheart."

A hot rush flashed down her spine and she turned to give Ark a look. She didn't think themallsharing her was on the cards since Kheir was still sprawled languidly across the sofa and Jaro wasn't much better. But thethreeof them, her, Ark, and Azrail…
