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When I move to the new letter and begin to pose, I’ve never seen anyone look so irritated. He crosses his arms and raises a dark brow. “What’re you doing?” he asks in a clipped tone.

I have no idea what I’m doing wrong and the nerves I’ve been trying to suppress hit me hard. Everyone is watching-- the lighting guys, assistant, hair, wardrobe and makeup teams. I feel like an absolute idiot.


“The “R.” I pointed to the “R” so why you’re standing at the “A,” I have no idea. Put your listening ears on, Sienna.”

Utter humiliation washes through me and I move over to the opposite letter. The next 30 minutes goes on like this with Nick giving unclear directions and me trying to understand what he wants. Trying to please a man who obviously can’t be pleased.

He doesn’t utter one word of praise. Just a string of orders like some military commander. Most of the time he looks frustrated and completely vexed. And, it’s starting to irk me the way he keeps calling me by the wrong name. I’m not sure if he’s doing it on purpose or if he really forgot my name.

Either way, I bite my lip and do my absolute best to figure out what he wants and remain quiet, just absorbing his jabs and maintaining a completely professional attitude. Jazz told me Nick is the one who’s such a professional, yet I’m seeing everything to the contrary.

He’s being a first-class asshole and I have no idea why. I guess for whatever reason, he just doesn’t like me. Well, that’s fine because I don’t like him, either.

“Sienna! Pay attention. I told you-”

“Savannah,” I correct him. Let him be mad.Whatever.

For a moment he doesn’t say anything. But, the how-dare-you look on his face makes me instantly regret opening my mouth.

“Oh, excuse me,” he says, voice dripping in sarcasm. He stalks closer until he’s within a foot of me and I can see I’m about to get reamed. “You know why I can’t remember your name? Because you're nobody.” He lets that sink in then continues. “In order to make it, to have people recognize you and actually remember your name, you need to work hard and prove yourself. And, so far, I’ve seen very little of that today.”

My eyes slip shut and I feel my cheeks heat up and turn red.Jerk. I can’t believe this. I’ve been working my ass off all morning and don’t deserve the disrespect he’s showing me. But, I bite my lip and take it. Nick has the power to fire me and if that happens, I will be truly humiliated.

“I suggest you stop dicking around and start modeling,” Nick adds. “Otherwise, I’ll be forced to find someone else who can actually do the job and who has the brains to understand what I’m asking. Is that clear, Sienna?”

I bite my cheek so hard it bleeds.I hate this pompous prick.Seriously hate him with a passion. “Crystal clear, Mr. Knight,” I say in as pleasant a voice as I can muster and give him a saccharine smile.
