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I reach out my hands and, after a brief hesitation, he laces his warm fingers through mine. I draw him forward until I can smell the citrusy snap of his aftershave.God, he smells good.I pull my hands out of his and run them up his hard chest.

His hands drop to my hips and I can’t stop touching him. His pecs, his upper arms, the back of his neck...I let my fingers drag over his toned upper body and love the feel of it. He’s so very masculine and my senses are going wild.

I can tell he’s holding back, though. Almost like he’s scared to touch me back.And, that is simply unacceptable. I close the distance between our bodies, my lower body brushing against his, and I can’t miss his swift intake of breath.

“Savannah…” he says, his breath warm against my ear again. Shivers race up and down my spine.

I can hear the warning in his tone, but tonight I'm going to play with fire. I’m going to play with Nick Knight. “Just dance with me, Nick,” I tell him and push closer.

The moment he lets his guard down, I know. He spins me around, yanks me back against him and there’s no mistaking the hardness that presses into the curve of my lower back. I freeze up for a second then push my ass against him. What can I say? The alcohol I don’t normally drink is making me do things I would never do sober.

His long fingers dig into my hips as we find a rhythm and move together to the pulsating beat of the music. When I drop my head back against his shoulder, I feel him press a kiss to my neck then drag his mouth up to my ear. He doesn’t say anything, though. Just keeps his warm lips near my ear and I love the feel of his hot breath rustling my hair.

And, suddenly, it occurs to me that I could have sex with Nick Knight tonight.

Oh, no.From somewhere deep down, a voice of reason pushes through the alcohol haze. That probably isn’t the best decision. As hot as he is, we still have to work together tomorrow. And, I hardly want him to find out that I’ve never had sex before. God, I’d die of embarrassment.

But, it’s not like I’m saving my virginity for any specific reason. I’m not waiting for marriage and I’m not overly religious. I lead such a busy life that dating and sex have just been relegated to the back burner. But, now, I wonder if I’m missing out.

I’m wondering if I should spend the night with Nick.

Oh, my gosh, the thought makes me break out in goosebumps. And, with my luck, probably hives. Suddenly, I feel hot and overwhelmed. Too many people surround us and I can’t breathe as the light show starts again. It’s making me feel dizzy and when someone bumps into me, I’m ready to get away from the hot, sweaty crowd. “Can we go?” I ask Nick.

A frown furrows his brow then he takes my hand in his and leads me off the packed dance floor. “Sorry,” I say. “I just need some air.”

“C’mon, this way,” he says and leads me toward an exit.

When the cool night air hits me, I breathe deeply and instantly feel better. Also, more sober.

“You okay?” he asks, concern in his voice.

I nod. “There were just too many people.”

“One of the reasons you tend to stop going to nightclubs after you hit 23,” he says with a smirk. “I have a much better place we can go and it’ll be something you can cross off your list.”

Nick again tucks my arm in his and we wind up at a piano bar at The Bellagio. It’s an upscale, elegant lounge and jazz music fills the dark, cozy air. He guides me out onto the patio and we sit at a table that overlooks the fountains with the Paris Hotel and its huge replica of the Eiffel tower in the background.

It’s so stunning and romantic.

Nick orders a Jack Daniels from the server and lifts a dark brow. “Another Kir Royale or are you all set for the night?”

“Yes, please,” I tell the waiter. “And, I’m not even close to being all set for the night,” I say to Nick.

When his mouth edges up, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more attractive man. It’s getting late and I notice the dark stubble coming in on his angular jaw and it makes my lower belly curl with heat. I have no idea what he’s thinking or feeling, but I decide to just enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime night with him.

I don’t want to think about tomorrow. Just admire those silver-gray eyes that are focused so intently on me.

“So, Savannah,” he says. “Truth or Dare?”

My heart catches and I smile. “Truth.”

“Really? Okay, let me think for a sec.”

“I just have a feeling that if I pick dare you’re going to have me jumping into the fountains,” I say.

He chuckles. “Actually, that’s a good one.” His gaze rakes over my face as he decides what to ask. “But, I wouldn’t want you to ruin that dress. It looks beautiful on you, by the way.”

A flush warms my face and I smile. “Thank you.” Just in time, the waiter returns with our drinks. Nick continues to study me over the rim of his glass as I sip my new favorite alcoholic beverage.Delish.I fish a raspberry out and pop it into my mouth.
