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His silver eyes narrow. “Wait a second. So, let me get this straight. You haven't actually asked me?”


He barks out a laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, that’s about the most half-ass invitation I’ve ever received.”

When our drinks arrive, we down them. I think we both know that Ididask him and now all we want to do is return to the hotel. To one of our rooms. The second we finish, Nick is on his feet and pulling me up with him.

The patio spins and I grab onto his arm. “You okay?”

“Just a little drunk,” I say and teeter to the side.

“I got you,” he assures me and loops an arm around my waist.

As we make our way back to The Cosmopolitan, I feel my nerves kick in. Right before we head inside, I pretend I need some extra fresh air and we sit on a bench. I basically just asked Nick to be the first man I go to bed with and he accepted. My head is spinning and not because of the alcohol I drank.

I think I just went too far and I looked over at him.

“You okay?” he asks.

Am I okay?I’m honestly not sure until I look into his gray eyes and see exactly what I need-- assurance, strength, someone who wants to be with me. I’m not sure how else to really explain it. I just know what I feel in my gut-- that he wants me, I want him and this is our night to make that happen.

A blinking sign makes me look up and I see a wedding chapel across the way. Suddenly, the doors fly open and a couple walks out. They’re absolutely glowing and all over each other. I chuckle then hear Nick’s deep voice in my ear.

“Truth or Dare?” he asks. From the serious tone in his voice, I don’t think he’s playing games anymore.

Thirty minutes later, after I accepted Nick’s dare, we are the ones stumbling out of the wedding chapel. I suppose I could blame it on all the alcohol and my low tolerance or this silly game we’ve been playing all night. Or, the idea that Nick is running from his ex or I’m just tired of being the lonely virgin who sits at home every night and works far too hard for someone so young. Hell, maybe we are both just two very lonely people.

Maybe it’s a combination of all that.

But, when I said “I do” without an ounce of hesitation in that cheesy chapel, it was because when I looked into Nick’s eyes, I saw the other half of me. The connection was kinetic and the pull unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

I wanted this man in my bed and now, after a few words from an Elvis impersonator, he’s my husband.Oh, my freaking God,I think.

Back at The Cosmopolitan, Nick opens the door to his room and when I move to walk inside, he holds up a hand. “Hang on,” he says. “We have to do this properly, Mrs. Knight.” Then, he sweeps me off my feet and over the threshold.

He kicks the door shut, walks over to the bed and sets me down. Then, he sits down next to me.

“Are we crazy?” I ask.

“Probably a little bit,” he admits. “But, hey, it’s Vegas. Go big or go home.”

“That’s right,” I say and then cover my mouth after I hiccup.

He scrutinizes me closely. “How drunk are you, by the way?”

“I love how you ask me that after we’re married.”

“What?” he asks, all innocence. “You think I would’ve chanced you running out on me at the altar?”

I reach up and lay a hand against his stubbly face. “I’ll never run out on you, Nick,” I promise.

He blinks as though he’s not quite sure he fully believes me, but he also doesn’t want to think too hard about it.

“For someone who rarely drinks, you can hold your liquor pretty well, sweetheart,” he says.

“I think saying ‘I do’ sobered me up pretty quickly. You?”

“I’m fine.”
