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And, I fell in love with him.

Tears prick my eyes and when I hear the front door open, I swipe them away. No, I refuse to let him see me cry. I won’t give him the satisfaction. When he steps into the bedroom, I can’t even look at him.

“You don’t look nak-” His voice abruptly cuts off and drops down to the folder laying on the bed next to me.

I finally muster the courage to look up at him. “How could you?” I ask.

“Savannah, it’s not what you think,” he says. A flicker of panic passes through his gray eyes, but then it’s gone.

“Then, please, explain this,” I say. I’m pissed and I know I probably shouldn’t do it, but I grab the folder, stand up and throw it at him. The papers fly everywhere and his eyes narrow.

“I know this looks bad-” he begins.

“Bad?” I repeat. “It looks worse than bad. Did you get me drunk and convince me to marry you so you could get your hands on this money?”

“If I remember correctly, it didn’t take much convincing,” he says, voice turning cool.

“That’s not the point. Why did you dare me to marry you, Nick? Tell me, dammit. Just for once be honest and stop lying to me,” I yell.

His face goes completely blank. “I never lied to you, Savannah.”

“You’ve been using me this whole time!”

Nick lets out a frustrated sigh. “Okay, yes, maybe I should’ve told you about the clause and the money. But, honestly, I didn’t do anything about it until this morning. I’ve been too busy getting to know you these past couple of weeks.”

“Oh, because it slipped your mind? You forgot about $200 grand?”

“I didn’t say that. Don’t put words in my mouth.”

My chest is heaving up and down hard and I’m so upset my hands are shaking. I clench them into fists and grind my jaw. “Just tell me,” I say in a harsh whisper.

He shifts and glares down at the folder on the floor. “Why were you going through my shit?”

Oh, no, he’s not about to turn this around and make me look like the one at fault.“Your mom told me. She must’ve just assumed it was important enough for my husband to share. And, your stupid bag was open.”

“I was going to tell you…”

Sure, I think. “You are so full of it. The only reason you married me was so you could claim your inheritance. Please, stop insulting my intelligence by trying to convince me that you actually care.”

There. I just set it all up for him.Now is his chance to convince me that he does care. To pull me into his arms and tell me that it’s not about the money anymore. That somewhere on this crazy journey, he fell in love with me and money, be damned. The only thing he wants in his life is me now and forever.

Say it, Nick.

I’m holding my breath. Waiting, hoping, praying for him to tell me what I so desperately want to hear.

But, he doesn’t say a damn thing. Just looks at me with that cool, unreadable expression. In fact, he barely looks upset. He may as well have just stabbed me in the heart. I’d rather have him yelling at me and showing some kind of emotion than just standing there looking so unflappable.

I walk over, pull my hand back and crack him across his face. “You’re a bastard,” I hiss.

He moves his jaw back and forth then looks at me with insouciant gray eyes. “I know,” he says.

All of the air leaves my lungs and I want to curl up and cry. But, not yet. Not in front of Nick. “Go,” I say and point to the front door. “Just leave. I can’t even look at you.”

Nick bends over, scoops the paperwork up, grabs his duffel bag and heads for the door.

He’s not even going to try to apologize, I realize. I follow him down the hall, in a daze, but I have nothing left to say.

Nick reaches for the handle, opens the door and pauses. Then, he glances over his shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I broke all of my rules for you.”

I frown and have no idea what he’s talking about. And, before I can ask, Nick walks out, and that traitor Paul follows, right on his heels.

The moment the door closes, I collapse down onto the floor and cry my eyes out. I’ve never felt so utterly devastated.
