Page 22 of This Time Around

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“We can’t—” he growled, as a surge of resentment reared toward this woman who had rejected him and crushed his heart years ago, and a distant voice of warning chimed in.

Before he could finish his sentence, she’d sealed his lips with a melting kiss.He tasted her, felt her soft lips part.His heartbeat quickened as a rush of blood flooded his veins.He wanted it all—revengeandthis rising desire, urgent and growing, raging through him.

He buried his hand in her thick mass of curls, twisting them to one side.Her eyelids widened at the sight of his flushed face and the heat of his intensity, then fluttered closed as she arched into his deepening kiss.

His vision blurred as his hands roamed her body, exploring slowly.

She’d slipped her fingers down, tracing the V-neck of his shirt to the first button holding it together, tugging it.

In a hoarse whisper, he croaked, “Do you want me?”

She undid his top button in response—then all of them.

He swooped her up, carrying her to the truck.She stretched out on the back seat, waiting for him.

He joined her, stripping off his clothes and undressing her, caressing her smooth body, feeling the softness of her skin.Her arms tightened, pulling him closer.He tasted salt on her skin and inhaled her heady scent.Felt her nails dig into his muscled back.Saw the look on her face.A primal urge took over as his breathing quickened.Consumed by a hunger and thirst of a different kind, he gave in to his desire.

Afterward, he kissed her cheek, felt the wetness.He lifted a strand of damp hair stuck to her skin and tucked it behind her ear.He kissed her again, tenderly.

He thought he heard her say, “I love you,” as he nuzzled her ear, and then he whispered it back.
