Page 2 of The Banker

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I lean forward and brace my hands either side of her head, taking her in for just a little longer. She has the kind of face I could stare at indefinitely. She’s fifty-two-years-old—twenty-two years my senior—but could pass for thirty-five and has the spirit and libido of someone far younger than that.

“Is he coming back here with you afterwards?” I ask, stroking an immaculate blonde hair from her eyes.

“I don’t know,” she sighs. “I hope not. But, he has an appointment tomorrow in Miami before he heads back up to the City, so maybe.”

I lower my lips and brush them against hers, feeling her sigh into my mouth. “Tomorrow?” she whispers. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

For a second I’m completely lost in the sensation of her words against my skin, then I remember. I sit up and rub my eyes with no small amount of annoyance at what I’ve landed myself in.

“I’m busy tomorrow,” I sigh, heavily. “I have to be around for Aurelia Bird.”

“The singer?”

“Yeah. She’s doing a residency this season, remember?”

“Right. Of course.” If I didn’t know Paris better, I might have mistaken the look that flashed across her face as one of jealousy, but knowing Paris as I do, it wouldn’t have been. I’ve known Mrs. Navitsky for six months and I’ve been fucking her behind her husband’s back for five months, three weeks and six days. It was lust at first sight and it hasn’t abated in the slightest. I haven’t even entertained any of the other golf-obsessed guests’ wives, as I normally would, since Paris arrived on the scene. She gives me everything I want, everything I need. Space, no strings, sex like I’ve never known, and the smugness of knowing she would rather be with me, a low-paid security bum, than a billionaire Russian oligarch. Well, up to a point. Paris and I have an unspoken agreement. She will never leave her husband and I will never ask her to. It’s perfect. Ok, so Luca has asked me one too many times if it bothers me she wants the money more than me—because that’s what it’s about at the end of the day—and I reply honestly every time: not one bit.

I know who Paris is and it’s not her heart I want, it’s her body, her vibrancy, and the little part of her soul that reveals itself at the peak of her climax. That’s what I want.

“Is she going to be staying here? On the resort?”

“No. Starling Key isn’t good enough for her social-climbing idiot parents. They’re staying at the Ritz Carlton.”

“Nice,” Paris replies, her face serene once more. “So, when can I see you again?”

I think quickly. “Well, I need to make sure Aurelia and her parents know where everything is, introduce them to the events team, work out the schedule for her security detail while she’s on the island…”

“Who’s the lucky guy?” Paris asks, with a wry smile.

Fuck, I thought I’d told her. “Um, well, me.”

Paris pushes herself up and slides her legs away from my thighs. “What?”

“Yeah, I’m leading her security. It’s no big deal.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought I had, to be honest.”

“Um, no,” she says, slowly. Her breasts stay completely still as she hops to her feet.

“It’s no big deal,” I repeat.

“So you keep saying.”

“I’ve said it twice.” I grasp one of her hands as she attempts to walk away. “What’s the problem, Paris? It’s work. It’s my job. She’s a child.”

Paris whips around and if her surgeon hadn’t done such a fine job with the filler, her frown would be saying everything in one long sentence. “She isnota child anymore, Isaac. She’s a grown woman, and a beautiful one at that.”

“Really?” I say, almost to myself. “She looks about twelve.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” Paris pouts before looking away to the sea.

“I always want you to feel better, my love, but it’s what I really think. I met the girl once. She’s incredibly young, she can’t go anywhere without her childhood friends trailing beside her, she’s being used by her parents. That’s why I put myself forward. She needs someone like me to look out for her, because her fucking parents don’t.”

“Wait, what?” Paris spins back to face me, and filler or no filler, she looks horrified. “Youput yourselfforward? You actually offered to be herpersonal securitywhile she’s here? For FOUR MONTHS?”

Ah, sheesh, when she puts it like that.“Look, Aurelia Bird is nothing more to me than an investment. She’s bringing valuable publicity and high-paying visitors to the resort. That’s all I care about. The way her parents spoke to her… I can’t be sure she’ll get through a full four months without breaking down, and I can’t risk that happening as we’ll lose a lot of fucking money. Ok?”
