Page 103 of One More Kiss

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“What you should want is a stable home and the financial security that Thad can provide you. You’ve had your job for a few months, sure—but you’re not ready to be on your own yet.”

I step behind a cluster of palm trees and lower my voice. “Are you saying you don’t believe that I’m capable of taking care of myself?”

Her voice drops to match mine. I hear her shifting around, then a small burst of wind slides through the speaker as she carries on, ignoring my question. “I did what I had to do for our family, and your foolish actions are going to ruin everything I’ve set in place for us if you don’t do the same.”

The hiss riding her words makes me sick to my stomach. “What are you talking about? What plans?”

“Henry’s practice has been suffering losses for months.” She sighs. “I didn’t tell you before now because the Aston’s have offered to merge—on the condition that you and Thad follow through with the marriage they were promised at your debutante.”

I brace myself against the scratchy bark of the palm tree.

“Did Thad know about this?”

I’m shaken to my core, wanting to rail against this even as a part of me can’t bear the thought of being responsible for Henry’s business failing.

“Does it matter?”

No, I guess it doesn’t, does it? It won’t change the outcome any more than wishing I could.

There’s a tremor in my voice when I say, “Thad doesn’t love me, Mom. Not the way I need him to, anyway.”

A low laugh and then, “What does love have to do with any of this? This is about obligation, responsibility, and securing your future. If you don’t agree to marriage, you’ll scare the Aston’s out of investing, and I know you wouldn’t want that for your family.”

I’m thousands of miles away from all of them, but I’ve never felt more trapped.

“Darling.” She tries a more soothing approach. “Just come home.”

I don’t even know the meaning of home anymore. But one thing’s for sure—I’ve never felt more connected to the word than when I’ve been with Damon.

“Have you met someone else?” The question drips disdain.

Of course she would speculate as much. Nothing ever gets past Nancy.

“For the second time, this is about my—”

“Let me remind you of something you should know all too well.”

I know what she’s going to say before she even says it. I’ve heard the same sentiment my whole life.

“Men who feed you pretty fantasies aren’t thinking about anyone but themselves. They con their way into your heart and bed so you’ll trust them. But the minute you let your guard down, they’ll betray you.”

Her voice grows tight when she speaks again. “I may not love Henry in the traditional sense of the word, but I wasn’t going to stare a gift horse in the mouth, and I hoped one day you and your brother would appreciate that.”

I’m at a loss for words.

This morning, I was so sure of my decision. But now, my confidence wavers.

I must hesitate too long because she releases a long, steady breath on the other end of the line.

“What is it?” I ask.

The silence is so heavy it threatens to choke me, then she starts, “I was hoping… to this… but it seems… the right choice.”

Our connection goes spotty. “Mom, can you hear me?”

Exasperated, I pull the screen away to check our connection. When I glance at the time, panic sets in.

“Shit. I’m going to be late.”
