Page 105 of One More Kiss

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Maybe he’s changed his mind about bringing me as his date—his real date.

No, there has to be an explanation for his absence. I won’t let my mother get in my head. Damon is different than any man I’ve ever met, and unlike the father I barely know, I’m confident he would never betray me.

I’ve just secured my second diamond earring when my phone lights up with a message. Like the pathetic fool I am, I scramble to unlock it.

Sorry I can’t be there to escort you to dinner. I got hung up in a meeting.Chuck and Brandi will be by any minute to get you. I’ll wait for you near the front doors.

My confidence deflates the slightest, but I smile when he says,Can’t wait to see you in that dress.

“Not exactly the response I was hoping for, but at least he’s not avoiding me.”

He’s totally avoiding me.

“You’re being irrational,” I tell my reflection. “Go enjoy your evening. Celebrate, have fun, and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.”

I purposely leave my lips free of lipstick, smudging on a little bit of Chapstick instead, and then head for the hallway to wait for our friends.

For now, I’ll take Heather’s advice.

One minute. One day. One hour at a time.
