Page 41 of One More Kiss

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“Room service when I want?”

“All yours,” he says, sweeping out both palms.

I purse my lips. “Alright, Damon. I agree to be your completely platonic, emotionally and physically unavailable roomie for the rest of our trip.”

Satisfied with our agreement, I grab my forgotten bag and spin on my heel for the door.

I’m trying to keep my cool, but the thought of being in the same room with Damon for any prolonged amount of time makes my insides all scrambly.

“As long as I get my own bed, everything will be a-o-k.”

Two more feet and I’ll be past the threshold and on my way to taking a nice hot bath. I’ll binge a little trail mix, listen to some music, and maybe for the first time since landing, catch a break.

I’m halted by a hand gripping my bicep just as Damon’s voice threads through my hair, rumbling against the shell of my ear.

“Apologies, Kate, but that is one request I can’t oblige.”
