Page 51 of One More Kiss

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“I figured you were athletic after seeing you on the court, but that’s impressive,” he says.

“If you can believe it, there was a time you couldn’t find me without mud between my fingernails or grass in my hair.”

He smirks. “What changed?”

Everything, I almost say. But then I remember when he said we’re the kind of people who give blanket one-word answers so we don’t have to face our truths.

“I started living my life for someone else, and in turn… I guess I lost myself.”

Just like Brandi said.

Damon places his palm over my shoulder, and I take a mental snapshot of his sun-warm smile. “It’s okay to be a little lost. Makes finding yourself again much more fun.”

We pedal our bikes along the paved trail that leads through a tree-blanketed forest. The scent of fresh flowers is heavy on the breeze, and the wind slides over my face, cooling my skin from the sun peeking through the canopy.

At first, the walkway is so narrow that Damon has to ride directly in front of me, but as we approach the entrance, the path widens, giving us enough space to ride smoothly alongside each other.

“I think it’s terribly unfair that you know more about me than I know about you.”

His laugh is the rumbly kind that I’ve grown to enjoy. “I’m not exactly an exciting man.”

“Oh, come on. There’s got to be something you enjoy besides…” I wave a hand between us.

“App developing,” he supplies.

“Yes, the app developing.”

Damon and I bank a curve while he thinks.

“Honestly, my hobby is work. Being the team leader is a big burden, but it’s one I happily bear. Vedant heavily depends on me, which means long hours of perfecting and then perfecting some more. Doesn’t really leave much room for extracurriculars.”

That sounds…

“Sad?” he says, finishing the thought I spoke aloud.

I wince. “A little.”

More laughter from Mr. Stick in the Mud. “It’s okay. I’ve come to terms with it.”

“Well, you, sir, have just officially signed up for Katelynn Harris’s Crash Course to Adventure.”

He groans. “Please don’t make me swim with sharks.”

I decide this funny, carefree version of Damon is my favorite.

“When I was a child, and up into early adulthood, my Grandad used to take me fishing. We lived in Florida at the time, and he had this old fishing boat that he bought at an auction and fixed up.

“Being an only child, I used to beg my dad to let me go with him every weekend of the summer just to cure my boredom. But Grandad had a love affair with the ocean, and I quickly caught the bug.” He pauses, seemingly lost in thought. “He taught me everything he knew about manning a boat, but his hobby was deep sea fishing. We even caught a small reef shark once.”

Picturing a younger version of Damon, fishing pole in hand as he stands beside his grandfather, softens my insides like butter.

I’m almost afraid to ask, “Where is your Grandad now?”

“He passed away when I was twenty.”

Heartsick for him, my face pinches. “I’m so sorry, Damon. It sounds like he was more of a best friend than a grandfather.”

“Yeah.” He smiles tight. “He was.”
