Page 75 of One More Kiss

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Vedant’s girlfriend has a tripod set up several feet from where she’s bending over—ass out of her predictably thin bikini—as she poses for pictures.

“What are you talking about?”

Walter chucks the neon yellow frisbee back to me, and I bend at the knees before stretching up to snag it. The sun warms my bare chest, and when I sneak a glance over at Kate, I catch her eyeing me.

I might flex—only a bit—but it’s worth earning one of her breathtaking smiles.

“She’s been on you like stink on a skunk, bro. You better watch out.”

Pausing with the disc in hand, I frown. “Nah, she’s just a touchy person.”

Aakesh and the others jog toward me, tightening up our circle.

“Women likethateat guys likeyoufor lunch,” he says.

“Loner nobodies with poor social skills?” I ask.

“Divorced, well-off, and broody.” Bryce nods toward where Shaylea’s now waggling her fingers at us.

“Yeah, ultra-broody. I hear that’s a whole genre of men nowadays,” Walter agrees before switching gears. “What’s going on between you and Kate, anyway?”

“Damn, you guys are fucking nosy.”

“We’re just looking out.” Chuck slaps my sweat-slicked back. “If you think anything might come from this thing with you two, you may want to tell Shaylea to back off. I’ve learned a thing or two from being married to the wildest woman out there, and when another woman steps on their turf, they get territorial as hell.”

I know all too well about territorial women. It’s one of the many things I grew to detest about my ex-wife.

“You guys have it all wrong. Besides, even if there was something more between me and Kate, she’s not like that.”

Walter shakes his head. “They’realllike that.”

Our guide, Calian blows his whistle and signals for the group to gather on the trail. Next to where he stands is a wooden map of the entire park, and a sudden insane idea prompts me to jog over and snap a picture of the board.

When I’m satisfied with my plan, I glance up at the girls once more.

“Do me a favor, and you assholes worry about yourselves,” I say when I hustle back by them, and fling the frisbee at Bryce.

Their laughter blends behind me as I trot up the rocky slope toward Kate and Brandi.

“Need a hand?” I ask, bending down to grab Kate’s towel and bag.

The sun highlights the brown of her eyes, giving them the color of warm, melted chocolate.

“Thought you’d never ask.” Brandi huffs, arms filled with her own towel, clothes, and sunscreen.

I take her belongings, too. “Hey, Bran. Do you think you could cover for me and Kate for a bit?”

Kate’s foot freezes halfway through her sandal as Brandi groans. “You’re going to go get into trouble, aren’t you?”

“Um, what?” Kate chimes in with her head tilting like a puppy.

The rest of the group is starting to line up, and Shaylea flaps her hand, waving us over.

“Vedant isn’t here, and I need you to distractherfor me. The woman’s like an octopus.”

Brandi’s foot starts tapping. “Free mimosas for the rest of the trip.”

“Deal.” I wrap my palm around Kate’s wrist and wink at my friend. “I owe you one.”
