Page 77 of One More Kiss

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An emotion I can’t place shutters her gaze before dissipating quickly. “Oh. I see.”

After swinging her leg the rest of the way over, Kate jumps to the ground.

I hurry to follow, dirt puffing around my shoes when I land beside her.


She shrugs as she walks ahead of me. “I just thought we were past the whole ‘vague responses’ thing.”

Frustrated with my evolving emotions, I stare between her shoulder blades.

Am I supposed to just lay myself bare for her?

“You wouldn’t want to hear the truth,” I eventually say.

That stops her in her tracks.

“All I ever want from you is the truth, Damon.”

I shake my head. In a handful of days, I’ll be on a flight home to pack up my life in LA. Kate and I did more than just impress Patrick at dinner. Our charming facade had the man proposing, planning, and bargaining for me to take the London job.

At the time, it didn’t matter that I may never see her again. I got what I came here for, and she thanked me with an orgasm I haven’t stopped thinking about since. But now I’m frozen with panic.

If I catch feelings for Kate… there’s no way I’ll be able to leave her.

“I can’t give you the truth.”

“Why not?” she prods.

When I don’t respond, her irritation grows. It’s hard to believe I’ve got twelve years on her when she’s glaring at me as if I’m a child.

I shoulder past her, continuing down the path. About a quarter mile ahead of us, I can just make out the start of a clearing, but we’ll have to traverse down a small hill to get there.

“So that’s it, then? You’re just gonna shut down?”

Keep walking,I tell myself.

I’ve kept a tight lid on my emotions up to this point, but I know the second I turn back I’m going to come undone.

The hill leading the rest of the way toward the falls is steeper than I anticipated. I kick a few rocks off the curved slope, knowing Kate’s feet are going to shred to pieces if she tries to climb down alone.

I wait for the crunch of loose dirt and rocks to stop as she steps toward the edge.

“Come on.” I squat in front of her, offering my back. “Don’t wanna ruin your pedicure.”

I’m hoping to earn a laugh. Ineedher to laugh, but she’s busy stewing in silence.

“Tiger Falls is just beyond this last stretch of trees, and I didn’t break the rules just for one of us to get injured.”

Kate grumbles something about me being bossy, and then the weight of her settles around my bare shoulders. An electrifying current flows from my neck all the way through my feet when her breath tickles the underside of my ear.

“You’ll have to hold on while I climb down,” I say while situating us.

Those thick thighs wind tighter around my middle as Kate huffs. “For the record, I could totally do this on my own.”

She doesn’t see my smirk, but it’s thick in my voice. “I’m well aware of your badassery, sweetheart.”

The pet name brings a rush of moaning and greedy kisses to my memory.
