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From: Emilia Bonacci

To: Emilia Bonacci

Subject: What next?

I know it’s been months since I wrote, I’ve been busy with school stuff, and work, and seeing Blaine every single chance I get. Until this week, things have been great, and I’m writing again because I need to get out how I’m feeling. More than that, I just want to know everything will be okay.

My father wants me to stop seeing Blaine. Dad came home from work about a week ago really angry. He’d somehow heard Blaine and I were dating, and he really lost his cool when I told him we’d been seeing each other for five months now. And I get it, I do. Maybe I should have said something earlier, and my dad feels like I wasn’t being honest—that I was hiding things from him. And honestly, it’s true, I was and I did.

I don’t really know why I did that. I guess on some level, I knew he wouldn’t be happy about the news. Seriously though, he’s never happy about anything, ever. Or at least over these last few years. What with everything that happened with Mom, I understand why he is the way he is. But I’m still here, and I still need him. I want him to just be happy that I’m happy. Is that too much to ask?

Anyway, him being happy was NOT what happened. He was really pissed and insisted that if I’m keeping secrets, there must be something bad about Blaine. Dad said he knew who Blaine was, he wasn’t part of our community, and didn’t belong. Somehow my dad got it in his head that Blaine’s only interested in my money. I really didn’t think all that money and reputation stuff mattered to Dad. Apparently, it does. Like, a lot.

I tried to explain that Blaine’s never asked me for a single thing, that he uses what little money he makes from his apprenticeship to pay when we go out. Honestly, it’s so sweet that he insists, even though my allowance more than covers the cost of our dates. Anyway, my dad didn’t want to hear any of that, and he demanded I end it with Blaine.

God, just hearing those words, having to entertain that stupid demand broke my heart, and I ran out of the house pretty quick. My dad didn’t stop calling my phone the whole time I was gone, but I switched it off and ran to Blaine’s house. I was so upset, he drove me to the quiet cliffs not far from his house, and we talked and talked until I started to feel better. It was beautiful. The cliffs and the ocean stretching out made me feel like there’s this big world out there, and maybe Blaine and I will find a place away from all the silly rules my dad wants me to live by. Somewhere we can be together.

And it wasn’t just the cliffs, it was spending time with Blaine, knowing I wasn’t alone, that he doesn’t want to lose me, either. He’s always gone out of his way to protect me and be there for me, even when he hasn’t had to. I felt so loved and needed. I haven’t had that in so long. He’s just everything that’s good in my word. The best thing in my life, you know?

We were sitting in his car on that clifftop, no one else around, when the sky got dark, and we started kissing. Things just kind of happened. We were careful, but things happened. I don’t regret that Blaine was my first, not one bit. Nothing anyone says or does now can change what we shared. I love him, and I want him to be my only. I really do, more than anything I’ve ever wanted, besides getting my mom back. And Blaine and I made a promise that we’ll make this work, so because of that promise, I went on a mission to find out how Dad learned about me dating Blaine.

At first, I thought someone at the store must have betrayed me, trying to score professional points by telling my dad that Blaine was picking me up sometimes. I asked all the ladies at the store, only for Rosa to tell me that Anthony had come in looking for me some weeks ago, claiming I was meant to be meeting him for a date. Except, I’d already left with Blaine.

Honestly, what is Anthony’s deal? Truth is, he sent me a text a while back asking me to go out with him after my shift. I didn’t even respond. I don’t know how much more obvious I can make it that I’m not interested. Who even takes no reply as a “yes” and turns up anyway? The fact I’d already left means he must have arrived late to “pick me up.” What a Prince Charming, right? Kind of hilarious and infuriating all in one.

Anyway, I’m not talking to Anthony now, but I found out through friends that he saw Blaine and me sitting in the mall's parking lot talking. He recognized Blaine from his school basketball team. Apparently, they’d played against each other years ago. So, it’s obvious Anthony is the one who ratted me out to my dad.

I’m glad I wrote this email. It’s given me a bit more hope. I’ll get my dad to see that Blaine and I should be together. Or I’ll run away. Or something. But I won’t be without Blaine. I just won’t.

The time had just passed midday when Blaine stopped his truck behind the beat-up Pinto in Emilia’s driveway. His afternoon job had been rescheduled, so he’d come here, and now scowled at the vehicle’s faded red paint, the rust-mobile not at all fitting with the cashed-up woman he’d known her to be. Yet another thing that simply didn’t fit with her reemergence.

A moment passed before he jumped from his vehicle and onto the dry beige path below. A few yards away, Oak Tree Furniture’s large delivery truck lingered with its back doors wide open. He’d watched the thing whoosh past him on his way over. Something dubious was afoot.

He grabbed his toolbox and marched past the truck, peering inside at a few of his pieces not yet unloaded. Ally. This had to be Ally’s work. He needed to hurry inside before Wayne and Jacob came out to ruin his ambush.

He headed toward the back of the cottage, stopping to glance through an open window at the side. The boys had a boxed-up bed frame balanced on a lifter trolley. Wayne pushed while Jacob guided him. They maneuvered the trolley down Emilia’s narrow corridor, disappearing out of earshot before the woman herself stepped into view.

Blaine ducked away and continued toward the back of her house, trying but failing to remove the new image of her in a snug white t-shirt and burnt-orange pleated shorts.

He stopped at her back door, the hardwood inner door open, while the mesh screen remained closed due to the spring at the top. No doubt if he tugged on the handle, the thing would come open, but he chose to wait. Despite living in a close-knit community, unlike some in this town, he drew the line at letting himself into other people’s homes.

Laughter and footsteps echoed down her hall. He rolled his shoulders back and raised a brow, awaiting his big reveal. Emilia came out in front of the boys, a wide smile dimpling her cheeks as she peered over her shoulder at Wayne. She turned her head and her gaze caught his, a petrified scream breaking from her lips.

He swore under his breath and dropped his toolbox to the ground. He’d aimed for surprise, not sheer terror. Now she stumbled back, her balance faltering as she slammed into Wayne behind her.

“Oh, God.” Her voice wobbled, even as Wayne hoisted her back to surer footing. She pressed the flat of her palm to her chest,hunching over through panted breaths. “For a second there I thought—”

Tension clamped at her jaw, and she didn’t finish the sentence, her expression drawing into a frown.

He glared at her through narrowed eyes, forcing his attention to stay far from her bruised hand.

For a second there, she’d thought… What?

He had every intention of piecing together all the bits about this woman that didn’t make sense, but for now, he settled on leaning down and picking up his toolbox. “You know, you don’t have to sneak around to buy furniture from my shop.”
