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“Not exactly.” Emilia smiled, Aggie’s innate cheekiness contagious. “But the past seems set on revisiting us all the same.”

Aggie pushed the teacup forward and jutted her chin out for Emilia to take a sip. “Judging by the way he stormed off, that boy still cares for you a great deal, Miss Emilia. I can see why. I know women twice your age who would’ve fallen apart at much less than what you’ve weathered.”

Emilia brought the teacup to her lips but paused before drinking. “Once I learned he was in Harlow, I should have found a way to leave.”

So why didn’t I?

The brief and inane conversation about lutefisk and local manners said enough about why. Then again, nothing in that exchange had been inane. At least, not to her.

Aggie leaned forward and narrowed her eyes, as though making sure she had Emilia’s full attention. “Hush now with your naysaying. The past is done, but there’s a lot to do about the future. What counts is that you got spark, child, and you’ll be okay. So will Blaine.”

Emilia took a sip of her tea, unable to fully invest in Aggie’s offer of hope. So much had gone wrong. She’d had over a decade of one thing failing after another. Sometimes it was hard to understand how her heart kept beating every day and her lungs still breathed.

“About Blaine,” Aggie spoke again, her habitual smile creating multiple small brackets on either side of her mouth. “He’s a good man who’d never go outta his way to hurt anyone. He’s also not one to get angry about much, which leaves me thinkin’ where there’s anger, there’s also passion. You understand what I’m sayin’? His gettin’ upset speaks on his feelings for you.”

Emilia opened her mouth to protest, but Aggie held up a hand, interjecting. “Now wait one minute, I’m not done, and I betcha I know what you’re thinkin’. You’re thinkin’ the timing is all wrong, and maybe that’s true, but don’t let something like that be the reason you lose the love of a good man.”

“But I don’t think—”

“Oh,Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Yous guys think too much.” Aggie shook her head and stabbed a bony finger in Emilia’s direction, her brow set to an angry glower. “Don’t fool yourself into believing you got more time on this planet than you do. I’ve seen enough births, deaths, and marriages to know the biggest mistake anyone ever makes is to waste a chance when it’s given. I never heard a couple in love say they wished they’d met later than they did, have you?” Aggie raised an eyebrow and scoffed when Emilia didn’t produce an answer. “Darn tootin’! And you were lucky to leave one regret behind in LA, so don’t go making another one by passing up this chance with Blaine.”

Emilia’s cheeks turned cold, providing the sensation that all the blood had drained clean out of her. Aggie’s advice hit like a slap to the face. “But Blaine’s engaged. You said so yourself.”

“Geez Louise, I know what I said, and either way, yous guys got a lot to figure out amongst yourselves. And that means Sarah too. You heard what I said about love and mistakes and regrets.” Aggie leaned forward and groaned as she pushed herself up.

But Emilia didn’t love Blaine, at least not at this point in her life. She maybe cared for him… felt an attraction… But for all she knew, he was a completely different man from the one she’d known so long ago. And hearing Aggie mention the word “love” so many times filled her heart with a wrenching panic. Whoever this Sarah woman was, she loved Blaine enough to marry him, and Emilia would not get in the way of that.

“This is for you.” Aggie passed Emilia the green-filled spray bottle. “It’ll keep the pests off those plants I gave you, though I don’t suppose plants’ll be enough of a distraction now I know what you’re dealing with. So, I’ve got something else that might keep you busy.”

Emilia accepted the spray bottle but frowned at Aggie’s last statement. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re too idle here.” Aggie’s eyes twinkled again, which Emilia already gleaned was not a good sign. “That kid workin’ for me at the nursery. He’s got too much schoolwork lately and is cuttin’ back his hours, so I need more help. Hows ‘bout you come by tomorrow and do some work for me?”

“Oh, no. I’m—”

“You’re what?” Aggie held a stern, direct focus; one that somehow still managed to contain a level of humor-filled challenge. “Unable to help an old lady with a bad back? Besides, what with settin’ up this home, couldn’t you do with the money? I’ll even pay cash if you’re worried ’bout that husband of yours.”

Emilia gnawed her lower lip, holding back a desire to point out that she wasn’t exactly the figure of strength and muscle Aggie probably needed. In fact, at just a few inches taller than this woman, it’d be a case of the short leading the short at the nursery. But maybe Aggie had a point. The extra cash wouldn’t hurt, and it was nice of her to accommodate Emilia’s need for financial secrecy.

“Good.” Aggie nodded, already turning away as if she’d read Emilia’s thoughts and made the decision for her. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon, okay? And promise me you’ll think ’bout all that other stuff I said too.”
