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His lips crashed over hers, further scattering her thoughts. She did not care. She simply did not care about anything except how much she wanted him and everything he offered in this moment. He had a vise-like grip that, for the first time in her entire life, made her feel like she could let go a little. He made her heart beat faster, and her eyes slammed shut in the wake of her lax moan.

His hands cupped the back of her head, and he groaned right along with her, satisfied and exacting—that hard embrace dragging her under, like a kraken drowning prey beneath a turbulent sea.

Her mouth took on a life of its own and begged him not to stop because he felt so damn good. Too good. The biggest problem here? Hard and demanding she could deal with. The gradual softening of his lips—his slow, melting, all-too-tender caress—not so much.

And then there were her own reactions. The heat pooling between her legs, a yearning for more than one hot night with him, her muscles sagging and giving into him, expressing a desire that he should never let her go.

Cold reality zipped through her, dispersing the muddied senses that had allowed her to reciprocate his kiss like an infatuated teenager. Out here in the middle of an albeit mostly quiet road.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Breathless and painfully weak, she pushed him away. “Don’t do that ever again. Especially not out here.”

Her jagged tone reverberated through the air, and she looked about, thankful no one had driven past and that they stood between houses with large yards.

“Tell me you didn’t feel something.” Dean’s cheeks hollowed, but his stare refused to let her be, his piercing blue eyes shredding her defenses.

“Just stop. Just stop, okay?” She slapped her hand to her forehead and backed away, her voice tight but raised. “Why do you keep assuming I have to do anything you tell me? Who are you anyway?”

His cheeks paled and he lowered his brow, as if he didn’t like her questioning who he was. Not that she cared, or at least, she shouldn’t have. And still, his stare burned into her, drawing out long seconds before he spoke again. “You want to pretend nothing happened?”

She gave a tight nod, glad he’d scaled his tone down compared to hers. “That’s exactly what I want.”

“You kissed me back. You felt something. And you still want to pretend?” His gaze flicked over her, stirring that low heat within her once again.

Clearly, her body had other ideas. Regardless, she crossed her arms and refused to budge. Her non-reply was designed to say she wouldn’t repeat herself.

He nodded as if he heard the sentiment loud and clear and turned back to where he’d come from—toward the Rudger’s house, presumedly where he now lived since the family had moved interstate not that long ago.

Her arms hung loose at her sides, and her shoulders sagged right along with them. The sweet and dragging call of chickadees echoed back and forth from a nearby silver maple, that dulcet call a jarring contrast to the unexpected disappointment she experienced now.

His leaving was the exact reaction she wanted, but her voice lashed free of her all the same. “What do you want from me?”

He half-turned and peered over, his chin dipped and his forehead creased. “Maybe you could start by not acting like being with me was one big, moronic mistake.”

His words hit her square in the chest, a palpable force she wanted to stumble from. “Fine. Being with you wasn’t a mistake. Does that make you happy?”

“No.” His frown deepened, and he looked seriously pissed. “Maybe you could cut the sarcasm, too.”

She fought her natural urge to defend herself, the man’s powers of observation cutting, as a sliver of lightness traveled up her chest, into her throat, and stopped to tug at the corners of her lips. “Okay… I’ll try.”

She pressed her lips together to keep from saying anything else because, goddamnit, this man had a way of getting more from her than she intended to give. Though as much as she did enjoy sarcasm, she didn’t enjoy hurting anyone. And really, Dean hadn’t done much to deserve her attitude.

Well, nothing but be the temptation I really don’t need…

“And…” He turned his body all the way forward and took a few steps toward her. “I’d be happier if you’d be open to us at least being friendly with each other. It’d be nice to say, ‘Hi’, without my ego taking a bruising every time.”

Just a little proud of her verbal jabs and that they got to him, she hid the sprouting of a smile. “If you can try to stay away from Ally, I can try to think about getting along with you.”

Dimples graced his cheeks, and she continued to suppress a mirroring smile.

“You have a deal.” He drew nearer, and she crossed her arms and offered a playful shrug. “As the woman in this exchange, aren’t I supposed to be the starry-eyed one looking for more than a one-night stand?”

At least, that’s what so many novels and movies seemed to say…

He raised a brow, lips twisted together like he held back a laugh.

Right. She’d already failed to curb her sarcasm.
