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“Here you go, honey. Dry your tears.”

Sarah pulled a napkin out from under the bar and passed it to a sobbing Emilia. Blaine’s new fiancée pitched forth a wonky smile, an onslaught of patrons milling around at her surprise engagement party.

“Thanks.” She grabbed the tissue and dabbed at her eyes. “What a day. If anyone had told me three months ago that I wouldn’t be married to Anthony anymore, that I’d be living here in Harlow—a place I’d never even heard of back then—and that I’d find my long-lost first love hiding here.” She shook her head and lifted her hand, flashing her engagement ring, a gold band with a pink stone butterfly. “And now this. This is just unbelievable.”

Sarah smiled back. “It’s no more than you deserve, Emilia. I’m happy for you.”

For the first time since Emilia set foot in town, Sarah did whole-heartedly mean it. She was happy for the woman. If she hadn’t reunited with Blaine, then Sarah would never have taken Dean home that soiree night. And that night had changed her. It had given her heartbreak over Blaine a whole new perspective.

Emilia and Blaine were always meant to be. That much was clear now. Sarah could pause her skepticism long enough to acknowledge the universe had different plans for her. Plans for change. Plans with Dean. She could see where her life was headed. Could finally let go of her old fear and could finally dream.

Emilia’s warm brown stare pulled Sarah back to the room, with all the clatter and snippets of jovial conversations bouncing around. “You’re not upset about this engagement? I was a little horrified when Blaine said he had you organizing this event.”

She let out a laugh, her shoulders shaking over the stagnated sound. “I was a little horrified when I offered too, but no, I’m moving on these days and I wish you both well. Just save me a decent spot at the wedding.”

Emilia dipped her chin and peered up, the corners of her lips curling skyward. “Moving on? As in, you’re seeing someone?”

Sarah paused, not sure she was ready to tell anyone yet, though she’d pondered the idea of going public about Dean since their intimate conversation five days ago. He’d discussed significant details about his past, and she’d shared her fears over having new dreams to pin her already shattered hopes on.

But she peered around, making sure no one stood close enough to hear before leaning across the bar and closer to Emilia. “I haven’t told anyone, and I’m only telling you because I don’t want you to feel bad about Blaine, okay?”

“Oh Sarah.” Emilia pressed both hands to her mouth, her eyes glittering above her concealed grin. “That’s the second-best news I’ve heard today. And yes, I do feel less guilty now. I’m so happy for you too.”

Sarah leaned back, a weight slipping off her shoulders and a new lightness taking over. Telling someone felt good, especially when that telling closed the door on what had been a messy and heartbreaking situation.

Emilia turned for a moment to accept a quick congratulations from someone in the party, before refocusing on Sarah. “You have to tell me who it is!”

“Who is what?” Aggie grinned from Emilia’s left, the elderly woman’s eyes sparkling, never one to shy away from a new adventure.

Sarah grabbed a tall glass and prepared the woman’s usual gin and tonic, a distraction more than anything. “Never you mind, Aggie. When there’s something to tell, you’ll be the first to know.”

“Oh, don’t you mind, dear.” The skin over Aggie’s cheekbones wrinkled some more, her grin expanding farther. “Your face tells me all I need to know.”

Sarah scoffed and pushed the drink toward Aggie’s freckled hand, then pressed both elbows into the bar and eyeballed the older woman. “Oh, yeah? And what exactly does my face say to you?”

The woman took a long sip through her straw and eyeballed Sarah right back, before throwing a wink and replying, “Someone’s got your fancy, and by the looks of things, you’ve fallen hard, too.”

Sarah’s face turned instantly cold, and her lips slipped open just a bit. “We’ve only just—”

“Uff…” Aggie swatted a hand and turned to Emilia. “I don’t know why you kids insist on arguing with me. Sarah here is in love. I’d stake my nursery and the lavender farm right along with it that I’m right.”


Sarah stood silent, not really looking at anyone around her, just staring out into blank space while she clapped a hand over her heart and pondered Aggie’s assertion.

Was she in love? She couldn’t say for sure.

Or maybe she didn’t want to say for sure.

But why?

I’ll have no choice but to move out of the stasis I’ve lived in all these years…

I’ll have to trust someone…

Things will change and I won’t be in control anymore.
