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“Like a vending machine?” I asked incredulously.

“Yeah, kinda. You’re a ladies’ man.”

Not really. I just preferred women with specific tastes. And they preferred me because I could give them what they wanted. “Well, I don’t know anyone who fits your description.”

“Really? Not a single person?”

“Except Rome. But I doubt you’re interested in that.”

“Yuck.” He gagged into the phone. “I’m not into incest.”

“You aren’t related.”

“She’s my sister, in my eyes.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t met anyone on your own.”

“Oh, I can meet women just fine,” he said with a laugh. “But they’re too skanky, you know?”

“Too skanky?” I asked with a laugh.

“Yeah. I tell them I’m looking for something serious, and they immediately jump into bed with me, get all clingy, and then it’s just uncomfortable. It’s basically the worst pickup line ever invented.”

“There are worse problems then getting too much pussy.” I didn’t care how I spoke to Christopher. He knew what kind of guy I was before Rome came along.

“I tried doing the online thing, but that didn’t pan out.”

“Why not?”

“Some serious catfishing going on,” he said. “A girl posts a picture of herself from high school, and then I meet her and she looks nothing like that. It’s creepy.”

“That’s too bad.”

“So, I want you to come out with me tonight.”

Now I’d lost his train of thought. “What?”

“Hot chicks are always in pairs. I need a second guy to help me corner the good one. You feel me?”

I laughed because the suggestion was outrageous. “I’m gonna pass. I like not being single.”

“You don’t have to do anything with them,” he argued. “Just distract one girl while I go for the other.”

“Rome is definitely not going to be down with that. And don’t you have any other friends?”

“They aren’t as good-looking as the two of us. You and I would be unstoppable.”

Rome would never let this fly, and honestly, I’d be offended if she didn’t care. If she did this same thing with a girlfriend, I’d be livid. “You know who you should go with?”


“My brother, Jackson. He’s a serious ladies’ man, and he’s always looking for pussy.”

“Good-looking guy?” he asked.

“He looks a lot like me. Just less attractive.”

“Sure,” he said. “Text me his digits, and I’ll give him a call.”

“Alright. I’m glad I set you up on a playdate.” I hung up then turned my attention back to work.

A moment later, my assistant’s voice came through the phone. “Ms. Moretti has asked to speak with you.”

Ms. Moretti.

I never called her that. Just like how I hated it when she called me Mr. Owens. “Send her in.” I was immediately irritated because I specifically told Rome she didn’t have to check in with anybody. She could walk in here like she owned the damn place.

The door cracked, and Rome stepped inside in nude heels and a pink dress. I saw her this morning when we left for work, but anytime I saw her after a long break, her appearance got me hard.

And I was hard right now.

She carried a stack of papers, probably her progress report for the past month. “Sorry this is late, but I—”

“Rome, I said you don’t need to check in with my assistant. You need something from me, you walk in.”

She held the papers at her waist and stared me down, her gaze suddenly turning cold. “Calloway, we’re at work. We have to have some sort of professionalism—”

“Exactly. I’m your boss—and you do what I say.”

Now her eyes were on fire.

“Everyone knows we’re fucking, Rome. So just walk in. My woman doesn’t wait for anybody—not even me.”

Her anger dimmed, but only slightly. “We both know I’m not doing that, so let’s just drop it.”

My anger immediately came to the surface at her disobedience. I was used to unwavering loyalty from Isabella, and I didn’t like my woman questioning me. This wasn’t news. Rome had always been her own woman. But that never quenched my need to be in control. I suspected it would never be quenched, even with Isabella there to fulfill my needs. “And we both know I always get my way. So next time, just come in here.” I rose to my full height, staring her down with my arms by my sides. I pressed my hands against the wood of my desk and leaned forward, staring her down like prey.

Rome pressed her lips tightly together, either because she was ticked or aroused. At the moment, it wasn’t easy to see the distinction. She suddenly threw the papers on my desk where they slid across the surface and fell at my feet. “Let me know when you’re done being an asshole. Maybe then we can have a mature conversation.” She walked out with her head held high. She probably wanted to slam the door shut, but she found the restraint not to do it. When the door shut behind her, I was alone with my thoughts.
