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For some reason, I loved taking out his collared shirts from the hamper and putting them in the wash. They were infused with his smell, a mixture of his cologne, masculinity, and the aftershave he slapped on his face and neck after he shaved in the morning. I always pulled the shirts to my chest and smelled them before they were washed on cold. Tom was the one who dropped off his suits from the dry cleaners, and they were usually hanging in the hallway right when we got home. I pulled the plastic wrap from them and placed them on his side of the closet. Calloway’s shoes were shined too, looking just as nice as the day he purchased them.

After vacuuming the floors and doing the dishes, I suddenly felt light-headed. A sensation started deep inside my stomach, and I needed to sit just for balance. I pulled out one of the dining chairs and took a seat, feeling my heart swell three times in size.

I was happy.

I loved sharing a house with Calloway. I’d never lived with a man before, but I also fantasized it would be this way. His presence would linger even when he was no longer in the house. I wouldn’t care about picking up after him because it was just another way to be close to him. I had a connection with his personal things, knowing they complemented who he was as a man.

I knew I wanted this forever.

Calloway still hadn’t told me he loved me, but he showed it every single day. I saw it in the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, and certainly the way he loved me. I wore the black ring he gave me every day, and I couldn’t recall a time when I didn’t see him wearing his. It felt like we were married already—for the most part.

But I still wanted the real thing.

In time, I knew we would get there. Calloway still struggled to let go of his old ways. He would have to make peace with that on his own. But whenever he was ready, I would be ready too.

The front door opened, and I heard his footsteps against the hardwood floor.

Once I knew he was home, I left the chair and circled from the kitchen to the living room since it opened to the entryway. “How’d it go—” I stopped when I saw the intense look on his face, the unexplained ferocity in his blue eyes. I’d seen that look countless times. He gave it to me right before he fucked me so hard I screamed in ecstasy. The scorching stare didn’t suggest he was simply horny or in the mood for sex.

He just wanted me.

“Take. Off. Your. Dress.” His arms remained by his sides, but he suffocated me with his violent stare. “Now.”

If he bossed me around in any other context, he’d get a good slap across the face. But when he looked so sexy as he made his demands, I didn’t care about my pride. My pussy was already humming to life, beginning to soak for this man.

My fingers moved behind me, and I unzipped my dress from top to bottom. Once it was loose, it started to fall down my figure. Slowly, it moved to the floor until it landed at my feet.

Calloway’s eyes swept over my body, violating me with his piercing stare. “Now the bra.”

I unclasped it and let it fall. My tits immediately felt cold when they weren’t pressed against his chest. The nipples hardened and turned a deeper shade of pink.

“The thong.” Even though he didn’t raise his voice, his words reached every corner of the room.

I pulled it down my legs and let it fall on top of the rest of my clothes. The only thing left was my shoes, but since he didn’t tell me to take them off, I left them on. I was suddenly in a responsive mood, waiting for direction rather than making the decisions for myself.

He walked to me, taking his time even though his legs gave him a long stride. When he stopped in front of me, he didn’t touch me as I hoped he would. He removed his jacket without taking his eyes off of me. Then he unbuttoned his collared shirt, undoing one button at a time. He seemed to be taking forever on purpose, teasing me for as long as possible. “I’m hungry.”

I hoped he wasn’t hungry for food.

“Get on the dining table.” He undid his belt, his hands working at their own discretion.

I moved to the large table made of cherry then waited for more direction, unsure what position he wanted me in.

The belt zipped out of the loops then hit the tile floor. “On your back.”

I turned around and pulled myself up, my legs dangling over the side.

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