Page 12 of Rearranged

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“I’m so happy,” she confided. “I love having him around. But I’m a little nervous that maybe it’s too soon. My place is small, and there’s nowhere to go if we get into an argument. Plus, it’s not like I have space for his things. My own stuff is crammed in there like Jenga pieces. I’m not sure what we’re going to do, but we’re definitely negotiating.” She grinned. “I should say, he’s negotiating hard.”

“Oh man, you guys are so juicy.” Poppy giggled. “That’s so fun. I’m incredibly happy for you. Moving in together is a big step. But we need to redirect back to the topic at hand, because we’re running out of time.” She pursed her lips and tilted her head, informing us she had a plan. “This road trip is set to begin in T-minus”—she picked up her phone and began tapping the screen—“eighteen hours. We should leave by at least six a.m. Seven at the latest. It takes sixteen hours to get there, so that means we’d arrive before midnight, which works—”

I sputtered, cutting her off. “How in the world do you know how many hours it takes to get to Montecito?”

“Aheeem, weren’t you listening?” She gave me a look accompanied by an expertly drawn eyebrow. “This is not my first rodeo. In fact, I’ve contemplated driving down there myself just to see the neighborhood up close and personal. This is going to be an absolute dream come true! I can hardly wait.”

I didn’t want to burst Poppy’s bubble just yet, but I definitely needed to curtail her expectations. “Even if I get permission from Yasmine to have you join us,” I told her, “this is all about her and what she needs to do. Not you and what you need to see.”

I could actually envision Yasmine and Poppy being kindred spirits. Poppy was definitely going to love Yasmine, and Yasmine would have a hard time not enjoying Poppy. They just seemed like they’d get along well together.

“It’s going to be all about her,” Poppy declared. “I promise. Cross my heart.” She traced an X over her chest with her finger. “Where are we staying, by the way?”

“She didn’t give specifics. She was running out the door. She said only that she had it covered. We’re going to meet tonight for drinks and iron out the details.”

“Do you think Marco will be there?” Summer asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. Yasmine didn’t mention it. I’m not sure if I’m ready to see him yet, to tell you the truth. Helping Yasmine first is important to me. Then he and I can come after that. I’ll feel more settled that way. I’m still mortified that she knows we kissed last night. Even though she said it was fine, and they’d already broken up, I can’t help feeling weird about it. It was such an impulsive thing to do. I really could’ve hurt her if she was in love with Marco.”

Summer set her water glass on the table. “I don’t think Marco could be capable of doing something terrible to another human being. He’s just not that type of guy.”

“Does Marco know Yasmine came to visit you this morning?” Poppy asked. “This is quite a tangled web when you think about it.”

It kind of was. “I didn’t ask, but I’m assuming…yes? It seems like they share a lot. I’ll ask her tonight.”

Poppy set her napkin down and began to slide out of the booth. “This has been fun and all, but I’ve got to run. So many things to do and shore up before we leave.” She was grinning so hard it was impossible not to giggle. “I’m going to have to write down instructions for Leo. The painters are coming by the brewpub this weekend. He’ll just have to handle it.” As she slid on her raincoat, she muttered, “I wish he wasn’t acting so weird. That would make things a whole lot easier.”

“Weird, how?” I asked.

“What you mean?” Summer asked.

“I don’t know.” Poppy sighed. “He’s been completely distracted recently. Always looking at his phone, totally preoccupied. It’s a little off-putting, but I’m dealing. Okay, enough about that. Text me when you get done speaking to Yasmine.” She inclined her head at me. “I’ll head out to get snacks after a talk with Leo.” She was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Then I’m going home to pack. I wonder if I should bring my sexy red dress with the scoop neck and the pleated skirt. It has a Marilyn Monroe vibe. Just in case Harry is out on the balcony, or something like that.” She swished her hand. “Not that he would notice me, because Meghan is so blindingly beautiful, but what a story that would be!” She turned and hurried out of the restaurant, muttering, “Little red dress don’t fail me now.”

Both Summer and I were in stitches.

“She’s not going to be deterred,” Summer told me knowingly. “She’s one thousand percent accompanying you to Montecito.”

“I know,” I said. “I’ll have to find a way to break it to Yasmine tonight.”

“I have a feeling Yasmine won’t mind. She’ll probably appreciate the company. From what you’ve told us about her, she seems super kind and is likely missing her own girlfriends. I’m sure they would’ve gone with her to track down Matt without a second thought.”

“That’s my guess, too.”

“So, when do you and Marco finally get to go on a real date?” Summer asked, giving me a knowing look.

Datewas code for finally hooking up with the man in my dreams.

I shrugged, trying not to feel completely overwhelmed by the idea. I picked up my tea. “I don’t know. Probably once we get back from Montecito.”

And hopefully not a single second later.

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