Page 14 of Rearranged

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Us. Two people together. A couple.

“Don’t worry.” I hoped my voice sounded casual. “Yasmine told me everything.”

“I’m glad somebody knows what’s going on.” He chuckled good-naturedly. “She’s being a little tightlipped about what’s happening this weekend, but I know she’s really excited. I’m guessing it has something to do with Matt.”

I smiled, not knowing what to say. Yasmine would’ve told him what she wanted him to know. “It might be.”

He shuffled his feet. “When you get back, I’m hoping we can…you know…get together and go on an actual date.”

He was nervous.

It was endearing.

In this moment, I could absolutely understand why it took him and Yasmine more than a year to figure out that their relationship wasn’t going to work. He was just so amicable and sweet. It was clear he didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. He was definitely a guy who wouldn’t do something hurtful on purpose.

“We can. Definitely.” I stared at his lips, even though I was trying not to, remembering how soft and perfect and kissable they were. “That would be great. So nice.” When he didn’t reply readily, I continued like a babbling brook that couldn’t be stopped come hell or high water. “Next time, we’ll keep the champagne out of it.” We’d both imbibed that night. The alcohol, along with the adrenaline of having the business-christening party together, had been a heady mix. Too heady.

Thinking back, it’d been kind of animalistic what we’d done. Like we couldn’t breathe for one more single second without touching or tasting each other. Going without physical contact at the time had seemed impossible. And sneaking off together had been so contrary to both our characters, it had to have been some kind of uncontrollable impulse.

As I stood in front of him, watching him flex his beautiful biceps as he drank his coffee, I felt that urge rise again.

My fingers curled as I imagined his hard chest beneath them, of tasting his soft lips again, at having another chance to be lost in his methodical kisses. I wanted to smell him and stroke his face. I wanted to lave him from head to toe. My tongue flicked around inside my mouth as I imagined how he would taste.

I want this man with everything I have!

I felt a little itchy all of a sudden. “I should probably get going.” Had that come out as a croak? It had felt like a croak. “They’re waiting.” I gestured behind me without looking, my eyes still locked on the prize.

“You have my number,” he said. “Text me and let me know what’s happening.”

“Will do,” I said, taking a few steps backward.

Why was this so awkward?

Maybe because his fiancée was sitting in a car, waiting for me. Or we were both just nerdy introverts.

“I’ll check in at the shop while you’re gone,” he told me.

“Thanks. No deliveries are scheduled until next Wednesday.” We’d just assumed the lease a week prior. There were a million things to do, but they could wait for two days. My Excel spreadsheet prowess was on point. My day job was as an accountant after all. “We’ve got that handyman interview on Monday,” I reminded him. “See you then.”

He winked. “Unless I see you first.”

Oh my goodness, this man is so hooooot.

I turned and bolted for the car, trying to do my best sexy run. Because he was probably looking at my butt, right? I would definitely be looking at his if our positions were reversed. Eyes in the back of my head would be so helpful at times like these.

Yasmine was in the back seat next to Annabel. I leaned through the open door. “You’re welcome to sit up front,” I told her.

“I’m fine back here.”

I got in the passenger seat and buckled up.

“Thank you all so much for coming with me,” Yasmine said. “It’s kind of weird to go on a road trip with people I hardly know, but I think it’ll be fun. At least I hope it will be.”

“It’s not weird at all. And it’ll totally be fun.” Poppy put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot. “And it’s us who need to thank you. Getting within sniffing distance of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be a real treat. Plus, we’re all here to help facilitate happy endings. It’s kind of what we live for.”

“I don’t want to disappoint you,” Yasmine cautioned. “I have no idea if Meghan and Harry are home. I actually know nothing about them, only that they’ve hired great security.”

“Seeing them would be marvelous, of course,” Poppy replied nonchalantly. “But honestly, just being able to see their setup in person would be enough. If they actually tried to talk to me, I would likely lose my mind, anyway. So this is much better in the end.”

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