Page 27 of Rearranged

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Chapter 9

We all froze and put our hands in the air.

Even though bodyguards were not the same as police officers, it just felt like the right thing to do.

A second later, the beam from a large flashlight was aimed right at the three of us on one side, Poppy still on the other, her back to us now.

Several men were jogging over, the one in the lead calling, “Stay right where you are!”

They were at least fifty yards away.

Annabel leaned in. “Welp, I guess we found the bodyguards.”

They looked exactly how you’d expect bodyguards to look. Each of them wore dark clothing, likely suits, but I couldn’t see from this distance, and they were all large. One of them was a little shorter than the other two.

Marco’s text sound chimed.

i hope you get where you need to go.

Without thinking, I texted back as quickly as I could:

probably going to jail.

Annabel moved closer to the wall.

I whispered, “What are you doing?”

“If my sister’s going to jail, so am I. Right now, she’s the only one trespassing. But not for long.” Annabel settled her butt on the top of the wall and pivoted quickly, shifting cleanly to the other side.

The bodyguards were closing in.

Yasmine and I looked at each other.

I shrugged, perched on top of the wall, and lifted my legs. “You stay on this side,” I told her. “We’ll try to reason with them.”

She shook her head vigorously. “No way. All for one and one for all.” She hopped over, landing next to me.

The first of the bodyguards got to us. He wasn’t even out of breath. “You guys are trespassing on private property,” he told us sternly. He was the one holding the flashlight. It was now aimed at our feet.

Two more security guards caught up. One was speaking on a walkie-talkie.

I guess they still used those.

Hoping to explain before things escalated, I said, “We aren’t here to bother Meghan and—”

“You’re going to have to come with us,” the short one interrupted in a semigrowl, his hands on his hips as he scrutinized us.

“Let us explain,” Annabel said. “Honestly, we’re just here to get a note to—”

“The cops are already on their way,” the middle one said after dropping his walkie-talkie.

“There’s been a mistake,” Poppy started. “This is all my fault. See, we’re staying with Kelly and her family”—she gestured at the house behind us—“and I got a little too excited when I found out the duke and duchess live next door. So we were just trying to get a glimpse, and I accidentally fell through the hedges. My friends were just trying to help me back over.”

That sounded totally sane. Yay, Poppy.

The guy with the flashlight folded his arms. He was the oldest and seemed like he was in charge. He was also very annoyed.

It’s too bad they didn’t have name tags. That would’ve made things easier.
