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“So honourable, in fact,” he whispered, “that this guy… finds he’s… he’s…”

Alice’s heart beat its wings and threatened to burst through her chest. But all she could say in a kind of weird gruff squeak was, “You’ve gone out of role again.”

“Arghh, god, this is hard!” He threw his head back and dragged in a deep breath. “Okay, here goes. I, Aaron Blake, am totally, utterly, irrevocably in love with you, Alice Montgomery. Will that do for starters?”

Alice wasn’t sure if her smile was going to split the top of her head from the rest of her body. “For starters,” she mumbled, because it truly was hard to speak through a grin as huge as the entire universe.

Later she knew there would be more talking to be done, but right now she couldn’t stand being apart from him a moment longer. Going up on tippy-toes, she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him with everything she had.

A long time later they managed to pull apart, both of them breathless and panting. “I think that broke the ice,” Aaron gasped.

Alice smiled as she nestled her cheek against his chest, relishing the tightness of his arms around her, theka-boom ka-boomof his heart.

“Is making love on a beach illegal?” she asked, peering up at his delectable chin.

“Most likely.”

“Probably deemed lewd behaviour.”

Aaron laughed and tightened his grip. “You and your weird phrases.”

She raised her face to his and he kissed her mouth hungrily, which stopped all conversation for another couple of minutes.

“My place?” he asked when finally they drew apart again.

“Yes, please.”

“You haven’t said it back.”


“That you love me.”

Alice pulled back, wide-eyed. “I thought that was patently obvious.”

“But I’m an insecure guy. I can own that now. I need to hear it. Probably every day for the rest of my life.”

She reached up and stroked the hair away from his eyes; eyes that were as wide as the ocean—open and vulnerable and beautiful. “I love you,” she said tenderly. “Totally, utterly and irrevocably.”

Aaron’s arms squeezed her so tight, Alice almost lost her ability to breathe. “Promise me?” he whispered.


“You’ll never stop telling me that.”

“I promise.”

As he released her, a sudden wicked grin shaped his lips. “Let’s get out of here. We’ve got five years of lost time to make up for.”

Alice said, all mock-innocent, “What did you have in mind?”

“Let’s just say it involves an awful lot of time in bed, completely naked. And maybe the odd post-coital game of Monopoly.”

Alice grabbed Aaron’s hand and breathlessly, laughingly, tugged him up the steps towards his car. “Come on… I’ll race you!”
