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Chapter Fourteen

It should have been fascinating.His first big case of serious negligence against a national organisation. A whistle-blower, coercion, and a culture of systematic bullying uncovered. The barrister, though a pompous git, undoubtedly knew his stuff and sliced and cut with precision to get exactly the information he needed, drawing his pound of flesh from each witness.

But Aaron wasn’t concentrating. He was dreaming about Alice’s hot kisses, her welcoming body, the little mewls and squeals she made when he touched her just right; the way they both laughed when their bodies made those lewd smacking noises during more strenuous movements, and how none of it,none of it, had detracted from how totally mind-blowing the sex with Alice had been… And then he would have to focus on John Ventwhistle’s clipped consonants and legal speak, just to stop his hard-on bursting through his zipper.

As his scalp tightened and a vague sense of panic threatened at what he was doing with Alice—Alice!—he calmed himself with the memory of her as cool as a freakin’ tumbler full of ice cubes, telling him it only needed to be a friends-with-benefits arrangement. By the time he’d escaped, done the debrief, nodded in all the right places and said all the right things to Ventwhistle and his team, Aaron’s heels were practically skidding on the marbled foyer of the law courts. Racing to get the hell out of there and hightail it back to work, dump the files—and meet Alice.

She was already sitting in Trojan’s reception as he strode through the doors. His heart started up a rap behind his ribs. She stood up and Aaron, seeing Charles Fink walking out with a client, went and gave her a lingering kiss on the lips. The soft return pressure of her mouth made him want to keep on going. Reluctantly he pulled away and was rewarded with a rare smile from Fink and a wave.

One notch on his belt for commitment to family values.

Next, Lauren sashayed past with Archie.

“Goodnight, Aaron,” Lauren purred, her eyes flicking with interest to Alice.

Alice seemed to stiffen as she returned Lauren’s gaze with a tight smile. He guessed he should introduce them, but Archie was at Lauren’s side, his torso bent towards her as she tilted her face up to his. Aaron decided to give it a miss. Turning back to Alice, he caught a slight furrow between her eyebrows before it switched to a bright smile that made his insides catch alight.

“I’ll just dump some of this stuff and be straight with you.”

She nodded and sat back down, crossing her legs. He wanted to walk his fingers up her calves, over her knees, her thighs, see if she was wearing stockings… Aaron belted through the open-plan area to his office like a man possessed.

A quick visit to the cloakrooms followed, where he slicked back his hair and ran a hand through his stubble. He’d shaved this morning; not wanting to leave too much of a stubble rash on Alice’s skin. He was about to leave when he caught the expression in his eyes. Downright soft. He’d seen the look on Carts’ face before and thought he looked like a pussy-whipped idiot. He pulled himself up short, tugged off his tie and pocketed it. Firmed his lips.Friends with benefits,he reminded himself as he strode towards reception.

In no time flat they were out in the city and at the bar he’d already fantasised taking her to. A cosy little joint with velvet curtains closed against the winter night and strange artefacts like teapots and bizarre hats scattered around the place as décor.

“The Mad Hatter,” Alice said approvingly as her eyes scanned the interior. “Great name, I love it.”

“I thought with your literary background, it would probably appeal.” Being early in the week, the place wasn’t too crowded, so they sat at the bar, their knees almost bumping on the stools. Aaron handed Alice the cocktail menu, trying not to focus on the exposed gap between her thighs where her skirt had ruffled up. She looked over the top of her glasses and read “Dodo Daquiri, White Rabbit Rum Punch. Ooh, I love the names. What are you going to have?”

“Beer probably.”

“What a waste! I should have a mocktail… But—” She gave him a wicked little smile. “Maybe I’ll try the Queen of Hearts, with kaffir lime, ginger and pink grapefruit liqueur.”

Aaron couldn’t resist a grin. “Personally I prefer the more tried-and-true.”

“Such as?”

He avoided her eyes. “I don’t know… maybe a Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall.”

When he glanced at her he saw her lips twitch.

“You asking?” she purred in a totally un-Alice-like voice. Well, not the Alice of old. Now, with her hair tumbling around her shoulders but her glasses on, he felt like he was caught between two worlds… naughty librarian images swirled behind his eyes.

He cleared his throat. “I could be. You offering?”

“I might be.”

Aaron looked down at their knees, almost touching, and sandwiched her legs between his thighs. She pushed gently back, and right on cue blood rushed to his groin.

He waved with a sense of desperation at the waiter. He needed the formalities over. He needed her naked. Soon. Or they might actually be at risk of screwing up against the wall. And the way he was feeling right now… forget slow. Or comfortable. It would be fast and furious.

One drink each and they both agreed to go. They found themselves walking out into the lane with its brightly coloured bobbing lanterns and then Alice was pulling him into a side alley with a little grin on her face. Her hands were on his jacket lapels, tugging him into her, and shit, he needed no encouragement.

“Maybe we should make good on that suggestion,” she murmured, her eyes dancing behind her glasses.

He arched back to look at her. “Here?” he said, wanting to kiss her mouth so much it hurt.

“Just a little appetiser,” Alice murmured and held her lips up to his.

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