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Her body with Oliver spooning her from behind. Her face flushed, hair tumbling around her shoulders and his bare chest exposed above her as he supported himself on his elbow. As if in a dream, she watched the reflection of his arm, the sinew of muscles shifting as his hand stroked between her legs, the other cupping her breast and thumbing her nipple.

It was so raw and perfect and cataclysmically mind-blowing.

Feeling the urge for something a little rougher, she cupped his hand harder around her breasts and begged him, “Squeeze my nipples, hard.”

With a deep groan, Oliver obliged, his hand taking turns to massage them into tight peaks, while his cock bobbed against her buttocks and his other hand worked magic between her legs.

He said thickly, “You’re so wet,” and she realised she was, she was soaking him and her thighs and so ready to take all of him.

“Now, please.”

“Feels like I’ve wanted to fuck you forever,” he growled.

“Me too.”

He moved away for a second. There was the sound of foil ripping, then he was moulding his body to hers.

She scissored her legs open, his palm guiding her hips, just enough for him to move into position, while at the same time his finger gently pushed apart her folds.

And now she was opening, stretching to accommodate him, such a sweet deep pleasure as he thrust into her that she almost sobbed out loud. This was what she’d needed, wanted, since… since… yesterday.Only yesterday? No, almost since she’d met him, in all honesty. Yes, it was true. It felt like they’d been lovers since time began. Their breath quickened, heat slicked their bodies, Oliver’s strong quads pushing against her butt as he thrust deep into her.

Their eyes locked in the mirror.

For a split second everything teetered on a bright white point of pleasure before the most intense orgasm of her life ripped through her and all Felicity could do was grab the covers in front of her, ram her butt into him and scream. “Oliver, ohohohohoooooooh, O-l-i-ver.”

With a shout of animal triumph, he pounded into her, and as her internal muscles clamped tight around him, Oliver’s release hit, his head flung back, the muscles of his neck a taut and beautiful sight for her orgasm drunk eyes to behold in the mirror, before he flopped against her, both of them spent.

They lay spooned together, silent apart from the rasp of their breaths for long, long moments, before he gasped, “Oh my fucking god, you are one amazing woman.”

“I’ll take that.” She giggled and pulled his arms around her tighter. “From one amazing man.”

As they snuggled into each other, punch drunk, sex scented, sated, she told herself it didn’t matter what happened after this, didn’t matter if it all ended once they reached Sydney.

Because they’d had this.

No matter what happened next, she’d cherish their night in Streaky Bay forever.

* * *

Much later,as they ate fish and chips on the beach, Oliver had to admit that for all the running he did, all the swimming and skiing, he’d never felt so connected to his body as he had these last few days.

This girl next to him with her pink hat and her mismatched clothes (what was it with her love of pairing orange and pink?) and her vibrant red hair, now in a thick braid down her back, was all woman and naughty schoolgirl, and mischievous children’s book character rolled into one. A real-life Pippi Longstocking who filled him with a kind of wild energy he’d never experienced before.

He couldn’t help grinning as she threw a chip—badly—to some seagulls and then screamed and ducked as a whole bunch of them swooped down.

And now, of course, she was laughing and throwing even more chips to add to the chaos.

Suddenly his phone did an almost forgotten thing: it pinged with messages. Immediately his gut tightened. The range here was patchy and he’d purposely not found a spot where he could check his phone earlier. There had been far more pressing things to do. But now, responsibility felt like an almost physical weight pulling him down.

“I’m going to have to look at these.” He cast her an apologetic look.

Felicity concertinaed a chip into her mouth before answering. “Oh, have we got range? Cool. I’ll send some photos to Evie and Felix.”

He smiled, his mind already on what was likely to be among his messages, and moved away.

Sure enough, when he scrolled through there were several from his editor. Another couple from his PA, Janice.

Here’s the itinerary for your New South Wales and Victoria speaking tours. Queensland tour needs confirming in May. Please return my calls.
