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Quickly, I ducked into my bare, undecorated space and pulled on gifted clothes—a wool dress tunic, black undershirt, and soft black boots. It wasn’t as formal as Theron’s or Ionna’s, but it would have to do.

Together, our group exited the academy and joined a scattered line of people heading for the back of the castle. As we veered off the lawn and skirted near the tree line, the reason this area was chosen became clear.

Fairy slippers, larkspurs, mountain bells, and wildflowers I couldn’t name smattered about the clearing, breaking up the green with patches of pink, purple, white, and crimson. Resting beneath the tallest oak, the crowd encircled a stone plinth, and the golden plaque it was honored to carry.

We neared closer and my gaze drifted over the heads, through the patch of trees where I spotted the shining reflection of fractured sunlight dancing on the lake.

And Sebastian.

He leaned against a cherry blossom tree—close enough to hear, but far enough to set himself apart from us.

“—gathered here to honor a fine young man.” Drakos dragged himself out into the sunlight, but only so far that it got him under the shade of the oak. His tunic, pants, and overcoat were from expensive fabrics in the most stylish pattern, and all of it black. “Even though it wasn’t my pleasure to know Galen Teresi, I was looking forward to seeing him achieve the greatness he was destined for.”

His eyes scanned the crowd, and stayed just a tad longer on me. “The academy is a hard, unforgiving place. Many have lost their lives on these grounds and many more will in the days to come. By now, you’ll have heard of the loss of Giles Nanos. Another tragedy before the year has truly begun.

“Know this,” he said. “Though every lost trainee will not receive a plaque, they all are remembered with the highest respect for their sacrifice. Without the academy. Without all of you, Olympia is no more. Thank you.”

Applause broke out among the trainees and staff. Subdued but sincere.

I found myself joining in. It was a good speech and a nice message for the “many more” who were fated to snap their thread within these gates. I’ve always had respect for the army and they protection they’d provide. What troubled me was as we sat there with condolences for Galen and Giles, we had no idea if the latter jumped to his death to escape the place that didn’t offer another way out.

“Galen’s brother, Ajax, will now say a few words.”

Ajax broke away from the line he, Calix, and Alexander formed beside the plaque. I traced his face while he spoke of growing up in the palace with his twin brother and closest friend. You’d only know they were twins if you were told. Ajax’s eyes were dark brown whereas Galen’s was light. His cheekbones were softer. His jaw rounder. But what they did share was a handsomeness as effortless as the confidence in their stance.

Galen was going on to do great things, and Ajax planned to be right by his side.

“—senseless death of my b-brother.” His voice cracked. “Imperial Hecate Enchanters were personally employed by my family. This week, they will strengthen the ward spells in and around the academy. In Galen’s name, the academy will be made a safer place. Nothing like this will happen again.”

Heads turned to me, eyeing me up and down. Their thoughts were plain on their face. So plain, my friends moved in closer.

“If anyone else would like to come up and say a few words for Galen...”

A dozen people stepped forward, including Alexander and Calix. One by one, they shared sweet and funny stories about Galen. By the last person, my eyes were dry, because the goddess laughed the whole way through.

“What a lovely day for a funeral.”

I ground my teeth, anger turning my vision white. Her horridness was incomprehensible.

“Thank you for coming everyone.” Drakos brought me back. “The mess hall is open. Please eat, relax, and continue sharing memories of Galen. Afterward, lessons resume on the hour.”

My rumbling stomach told me where to go. Instead I stepped to the side, hanging back to let others pass. “You guys go ahead. There’s something I have to do.”

They nodded like they knew what that was. When almost everyone was gone, I approached the silent figure standing before the plaque. Alexander looked up from his conversation with Calix. They both stopped talking as I tapped Ajax’s shoulder.


Facing me, the taller boy’s red-stained orbs beheld me without a hint of recognition.

“I’m Aella Galanis,” I offered. “I was with your brother the night he—”

Alexander snapped to our side. “Leave it, Galanis.”

Though it was hard not to look at him, I went on like Alexander hadn’t spoken. “The night he died,” I finished. “This offers no comfort, but I’m sorry for the part I played in his death. If I had recognized the demon for what it was none of this would’ve happened.”

Ajax’s expression wiped blank. I couldn’t be certain he was hearing me.

“If there is anything I can do for you or your family, please let me know. He spent his last day on earth showing kindness to me. I will never forget that. The name Galen Teresi will always live in my heart.”
