Page 3 of Work Me

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Turning this way and that, I give my reflection a thumbs up.

I don’t know why flirting with this young man is so exciting to me. Though I have no plans on ever hooking up with someone younger, it’s thrilling to know that at almost forty, I can still attract someone like him. It’s certainly good for my ego!

Ready for more, hoping he’s not gone by the time I get out there since the night is almost over, I head out. And stop dead in my tracks.

He’s standing right outside the door waiting for me. Our eyes lock, and because I wasn’t ready to see him here, my step falters a little, but just enough that I lose my balance on these damned high heels and stumble.

Strong arms catch me and bring me to a very hard chest.

“Are you okay?” he asks in the deepest voice I’ve ever heard. It rumbles through me even as the rest of my senses take him in. His scent, clean and masculine surrounds me and invades my nostrils. His body, warm and tight. My eyes take in as much as they can.

He’s tall. At my height of five feet ten inches, I’m usually head to head with the men I see. In heels, much more so. But even with my strappy shoes on, he towers over me. His hair, light brown and thick, begs to be pulled. And now, with my face so close to his I can see his gorgeous green eyes, the very ones he’s been watching me with so intensely all night. Still is.

I’m about to pull away, but pause. There’s no point in doing so without getting a little more from him. So, I look up into his eyes, batting my lashes and running my hands up his arms and over his chest. He’s fit, not just in the way young men tend to be even though they eat fast food every day. He’s fit in the way I’m very familiar with. These hard planes and grooves are the kind that a man achieves with hard work, dedicated training and healthy eating.

“I’m fine. Thank you,” I say pulling away.

“I noticed you sitting with your friend,” he says.

“Yeah, I saw you watching.”

“You’re hard to miss.”

Giggling, I say, “Thanks. I’m flattered.”

“You should be.”

“All right, well I should be getting back to my friend.”

“Wait,” he says as I turn, reaching out to take my hand. I pull away, not because I don’t like it, but because I like it too much. “You can’t go without giving me your name.”

“Is that so?” I question, turning away from him again. Before I know what’s happening, I’m pinned, a hard wall behind me and an even harder man in front of me. Thickly muscled arms keep me there, and his nearness forces my eyes up.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I can’t let you go without getting your name. Your number.”

“I don’t think so.” This is exciting me beyond anything, and if I have to be honest, he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met, too. But he’s too young.

“Why? Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? Tell me that you are and I’ll leave you alone. But unless I’m misinterpreting the look in your eyes, you want me as much as I do you.”

I try to shove his arm away, but he’s too strong, even for me. Now I don’t know if I’m turned on or if it’s pissing me off. “I don’t do babies,” I grind through my teeth.

“Neither do I,” he says in a voice so low I’d whimper from the very sound of it if it wasn’t for the fact that at that moment he brings his mouth to mine hard, pressing my head back against the wall.

I’m so taken by surprise that I don’t fight it. Instead I respond to it, opening my mouth and letting him in for a taste. They say a woman can tell a lot from a single kiss, and this one is screaming at me that he’d fuck my brains out if I let him.

Blood drains from my body into my clit and it throbs harder the more he deepens the kiss. I am beyond wet. Beyond desperate. My hands roam his back even as they pull him closer to me. He must sense my need, because he presses a leg between mine, and I moan as it makes contact with my core.

A clearing of a throat pulls our mouths apart, but his body remains glued to mine.

“This isn’t the place for a make out session. If you’d like the name of a hotel, I can direct you to a good one down the street,” a man dressed in the restaurant’s signature black pants and button-up informs us.

“Yeah, sorry,” my new friend says, finally extricating himself from my personal space.

We both laugh as the offended employee walks away.

“I guess that’s our cue. It was nice getting to know you,” I tell him, straightening my ruffled hair.

“You can’t leave me like this.”
