Page 39 of Sweet Tooth

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“But now?”

“It’s got a cozy feel to it that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s one of those places you visit when you want Thanksgiving dinner without waiting until November.”

“You know you can do that at home, right?” She tilted her head to the side.

“Sure, but why do that when you can come here?”

“And save yourself the trouble?” Deep lines marred her forehead.

“Trust me, once you order, you won’t care about the aged decor or the lamps hanging on the walls.”

Kate eyed the stained glass lamps, then nodded to the hostess when she offered to take us back to our table. As she did, I couldn’t help noticing an odd scent coming from Kate. It wasn’t bitter like she was upset, mind you, but it was different from her usual. Anxious, perhaps?

But why?

Not wanting to bring any more attention to it than was necessary, I waited until we were seated with our menus, offered her my hand, then spoke. “Are you okay?” I asked while arcing my thumb over her soft skin.

“Yeah, why?” Her voice hitched at the end.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because of my heightened senses, but something feels off. I thought I heard it before on the phone, and now that we’re here… well…” I lifted my shoulder in a partial shrug and left it at that.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” She opened her mouth as though she were about to say something, then thought better of it.

“Come on, Kate. Whatever it is, you can tell me. Unless you’re a vampire or something. Then I’d rather not know.”

“Do you honestly think a vampire would be able to run a successful bakery?” She shook her head, then met my gaze and smiled. “It wouldn’t even open until after dark.”

“Which would be great for those midnight cravings.”

“Or once the bars close for the night.”

“It’d be like one of those waffle houses that are open all the time. You know?”

“Or a fast food joint.”

“Hmm, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.”

“But I’m not a vampire. At least I don’t think I am.” Kate paused, tugged on the collar of her shirt, gave it a sniff, then sighed with relief. “Looks like I’m in the clear.” She managed a small smile that was obviously forced.

“If you’d rather go somewhere else, we can–”

“No, it isn’t anything like that. It’s silly, really. It’s just that… have you ever heard of The Three Eyed Frogs?”

“Maybe?” The name sounded familiar.

“One of Nora’s clients gave her two tickets a ways back. Nora was going to take me with her, but last night, she told me she’s decided to stay home.” Kate looked at me expectantly, then explained. “You don’t have to if you don’t want, but if you’re free Friday night, I’d love for you to go. I’ve never seen them live, but Nora says they’re pretty good.”

“Wait. A concert?” I swallowed hard.

“It’ll be outside,” Kate told me, “and open, so your wolf shouldn’t mind.”

“My wolf isn’t the problem. I-I’ve never been to one before.” Concerts were crowded, loud, and sounded like the worst idea in the world. But if it would make Kate happy… “We could always give it a shot.”

“Great.” Kate bounced in her seat. “It’s only a few towns over, so if we don’t like it, we can always come back here.”

“I’ll have to bring my earplugs. My senses are already heightened because of my upcoming shift. Things will be a lot worse by then.”

“Oh crap, I forgot about that. Maybe that’s why Nora didn’t want to go.”
