Page 44 of Sweet Tooth

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“Who? You?” I couldn’t believe it.

“First days of school are hard. And coming here. I was so afraid everyone would judge me, and I guess they did, just not in the way I’d imagined.”

“Things are always worse in our heads,” I agreed.

“For what it’s worth, I’m glad you came too. It gives me something to look back on once I go home.” Her face was a mix of expressions I couldn’t read.

“Good things, I hope.”

“Oh yes.” Her smile brightened. “Very good.” She closed her eyes and resumed head banging.

“If you keep going like that, you won’t have a head at all.”

“It’s going to hurt tomorrow morning no matter what I do, so I’d better make the most of it by making tonight the best one yet.”


“With you.” She bobbed her head, slowed her movements a bit, then met my gaze and kissed me on the lips.

If anyone was watching us then, I didn’t care. Because in that moment, all that mattered was her. Her gentle touch, the way she continued to hum as she deepened our kiss, and the taste of her lips as they slowly moved across my tongue.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, I felt myself falling into her. Not only into her arms but all of her.

Warmth cascaded around me, surrounding me in a protective cocoon as we swayed to the beat. It was a different song now, still fast but not nearly as energetic as before.

Thankful for the short reprieve, I placed my hand on the nape of Kate’s neck and kissed her back. Hard.

I felt more than heard Kate’s sharp intake of breath on my skin, but as soon as it happened, her shock passed, leaving her to sink in my embrace once more.

This is what I need,I thought as I held her close.

This was what I’d been searching for all along.

It wasn’t the sweets that curbed my downward spiral. They only dulled the pain, unlike her.

And now, I’m going to have to find a way to let go.

My heart dipped into the pit of my stomach. Out of all the times I’d let someone in, Kate would be the hardest one to forget.

“Then don’t,”my wolf rumbled in the back of my mind.“Remember her. Remember this. Remember us.”


I took a deep breath, then let it out again.

I like the sound of that.


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