Page 68 of Sweet Tooth

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“Like I said, I’m not good at letting things go.” My father hesitated, then stared at Kate from across the table. “So if you want my daughter, you’ll have to fight for her.”

“What?” Kate’s eyes widened.

My wolf growled.

You’ve got to be kidding me.After everything he’d said, I thought for sure–

“Fight for her,” my father said, his expression impossible to read. “Protect her and keep her safe. She might be a wolf, but she isn’t immortal. We can die just as you can, but we never forget. So the moment you let down your guard–”

“Charles, stop tormenting them,” my mom scolded. Then to me and Kate she said, “Don’t mind him, hon. His bark is far worse than his bite. He just wants what’s best for you. He can also be a bit of a control freak sometimes, so as long as you keep that in mind–” My mother laughed at the stern expression on my dad’s face. “What? It’s true.”

“I’m the alpha of our pack, it’s my job to–”

“Nothing,” my mother said, cutting him off. “You’re supposed to support our daughter, and after all these years, I think she deserves it. Don’t you?”

“I…” My father looked between us. “Yes.” Then, in a low whisper, he held out his hand to me and Kate and said, “Forgive an old wolf. I might look and act strong, but my fears are what drive me now. My biggest fear is losing my kids. I’d do anything for them, but now that Liv has you, it seems that position no longer belongs to me.”

“It does,” I said while taking his hand in mine. “I’ll always come to you when I need help. I might not give you all the details, but I could never walk away from what we have. I know that now.” Not just because of my wolf but because of everything Kate had said. About her mom, my pack. Everything.

“Great,” my mom said in a cheerful voice. “So, who’s hungry?”


* * *


My folks wanted me to go back with them. I knew this and Kate did as well. Wolves didn’t break away from their pack unless there was something wrong, but it wasn’t like I could leave Kate behind, either. So after a short reunion, we joined my folks out in the parking lot and said our goodbyes so they could head home.

“I’ll come back,” I told them once my mom passed me more clothes from the trunk of my dad’s car. “There’s just one more thing I need to do.” I studied Kate and offered her my hand.

“Take your time,” Mom said. “We’ll drive back whenever you need us.”

“Except for the full moon.” My dad gave me a pointed look but his smile gave him away.

“Yeah. Best not do that,” I agreed as he took me in his arms.

“Take care of her. Honor and cherish each other like you would anyone else from our pack.”

“I will.” I swallowed hard, then stepped out of his embrace.

My dad inclined his head, cleared his eyes, then turned to my mother. “Time to get this show on the road.”

My mother snapped to attention long enough to hug me, then opened the passenger side door. “Are you sure you’ll–”

“I’ll be fine,” I assured her. “And I promise to call you as soon as there’s any trouble.”

“That’s going to be a long wait,” Kate laughed. “Maybe just tell her you’ll call tomorrow.”

Kate was right. Now that I was with her, there was no way my wolf would run off the way it had before.

“Tomorrow then,” Dad said as he got in the car.

“Tomorrow,” I agreed as I watched them go.

“So what now?” Kate asked once we couldn’t see them anymore.

“Whatever you want.”

I’d do anything so long as it was with her.
