Page 70 of Sweet Tooth

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“And soon, we’ll be together forever,” she said without opening her eyes.

“Oh god, sorry. I didn’t wake you, did I?” I asked as I settled beside her.

“Only a little.” She cracked open an eye and smiled. “But there are worse things I could’ve woken up to.”

“Such as?”

“A cockroach crawling across the floor.” This time, when she spoke, she looked right at me.

“Oh god, no.”

“Yeah. First night I moved into this place, I stayed awake because the damned things were everywhere.”

I shivered at the thought. “I respect all creatures, but there’s a time and a place for each of them.”

“That doesn’t include my apartment,” Kate said with a tight laugh. “I got rid of them but still find a few every year.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing you won’t be here much longer.”

“Two more semesters,” she said with a nod. “My mom won’t be happy about it, but I can’t keep living for her. I did talk to her, by the way. I never mentioned it because of all the stuff that was going on before.”

“And?” I asked while propping myself up on an elbow. “What did she say?”

“Usual mom stuff. Kind of like your dad.”

“They know how to suffocate us, don’t they?”

“Yeah, but I bet we’d be the same way.”

“Knowing how crazy my wolf is about you, you’re probably right.” I got quiet then, my thoughts taking me elsewhere. “I wish I didn’t have to go.” Even with my parents’ blessing, there was no way I could stay away from my pack for that long. My wolf was already getting anxious, so much so that I was afraid I’d turn.

“But it’ll be temporary,” Kate reminded me. “We both know how this works. Wolf or not, we’re bonded to each other. I can’t deny it any more than you can. But even if the stars hadn’t aligned or fated mates didn’t exist, it wouldn’t change how I feel about you.”

“Me neither.” I caressed her cheek, then fell into her arms.

“We have enough time for breakfast if you want to go out,” Kate said as she kissed me on the lips.

“Food can wait. All I need right now is you.”

My perfect, amazing, loving mate.

“Is this the last of them?”

I watched Kate from behind an armload of boxes, then placed them in the trunk. For months, we’d planned this trip, and yet, I couldn’t help feeling as though there was something we forgot. After spending the last year moving between homes, we decided to join my family in Oaksprings where Kate could perfect her art at the bakery.

Her mother was hesitant at first, but even she couldn’t fight the bond Kate and I shared. So after a bittersweet union with her mom, we packed up the car and headed west.

“I hope so,” Kate said as she got in the car. “Otherwise, I’ll have to buy things once we get in.”

Nerves knotted in my stomach as we rolled through the other side of town. New Jersey had become a second home to me, and while it was far from my pack, Kate had made my stay as comfortable as she could. Even on nights when my wolf was restless, she found a way to calm her down.

And now, months later, we were finally going home.

“Nora’s thinking of retiring in a few years,” Kate said as we turned onto the interstate. “You know, after I run the bakery for a bit.”

“Really?” So soon? “That’s great!”

“It is, and I was thinking it would be nice to have an assistant.” She offered me a sideways glance.

“Oh, I don’t think you’d want that.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because I’d eat all the product.” Not to mention the fur. “Besides, you’ve already taken me away from my folks. If you stole me from my dad’s company, he’d never forgive you.”

“It isn’t like he’d never see you. We are moving into their house, after all.”

“No, but having a wolf hopped up on sugar all the time doesn’t sound very good, either.”

“Mmm. True. I’d find a way to keep you tame.”

“Me? Tame?” I laughed. “The only one my wolf’s good around is you.”

“Which is exactly my point. You work for me, she’s chill, and–”

“What would I ever do without you?” I reached across the middle console for her hand and smiled when she took it.

“Go hungry?” She tilted her head to the side. “Are you sure I can’t talk you into it?”

“Sorry. You’ll just have to settle for having me at home.”

“Fine, but I get you on weekends as well.”

“You’ve got yourself a deal.”


* * *


Kate had already met my pack a handful of times, but pulling into the driveway, there was nothing I could do to calm my wolf. Halfway around the car, I had to force back my shift long enough to help Kate with the boxes we’d put in the trunk.

“Are you okay?” Kate asked as she placed one of the boxes to the side. “Did we come too soon?”

“No,” I said, quick to reassure her. “Having you here is the best thing I could’ve hoped for.”

“But something is wrong.”

Over the last few months, Kate had gotten good at figuring out my tells. And right now, I was giving off dozens of them.

“It’s my wolf,” I explained as I started toward the house.

“She was just cooped inside a car for two hours.”

“Which shouldn’t be that big of a deal.” Not to mention the fact she’d never acted like this outside of a full moon. “It’s almost like she wants me to shift.”

“So do it.” Kate made it sound so easy.

“No,” I said while propping a box on my hip. “We’re here now. Give her a bit and she’ll calm down.”

Kate walked her box up to the doorstep, then placed it by her feet. “We aren’t in the city anymore. So why hold back now?”

I chewed my lip, then glanced back at the car.

“We can unpack later. But for now–”

Her voice cut off as my mom opened the front door.

“Kate! Liv! You’re here.” My mother didn't wait, taking me in her arms seconds later.

“Mom,” I said, my voice muffled by her hair. “Can’t breathe.”

“Oh.” Mom laughed, then stepped away. “Sorry. Um, your father and Dustin are still at work but should be back shortly. I was just getting your room ready.”


“We made a few changes while you were gone,” my mom warned as we entered the foyer.

“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” Kate said before I could do the same. “The old room was perfectly fine.”

My mother tapped Kate’s hand, then continued down the hall toward the kitchen.

“Wait. I thought we were going upstairs.” I glanced at my old bedroom door which was closed.

“It isn’t big enough, so now, you’ll live down here,” my mother said as she stood beside the basement door.

“Here?” Inside the basement?

“Go on. See for yourself. Lunch will be ready soon.” Mom paused, looked between us, then went back to whatever she’d been doing before we arrived.

“Uh… after you?” Kate gestured at the basement steps, then followed after me.

In our absence, my folks had taken all of the animal heads off the wall and expanded the basement clear through the other side. They’d changed the carpeting, the furniture, and fixtures as well.

“Is this ours?” Kate asked as she eyed the bathroom and small kitchenette.

This whole time, my mom made it sound like I was moving back into my old room, and yet, they’d been working on this. A special place, just for me and Kate.

“I-I guess so.” I couldn’t believe it.

Kate gasped, then ran over behind a beautiful blue tapestry my mom had likely hung on the wall. “Look. They even bought us a new bed.”

“They what?” I had to see this!

Putting our things on the coffee table, I joined Kate by what I assumed was a wall only to find it had been knocked out too. The foundation of our home had literally grown since we were last here.

“This place has everything,” Kate said in disbelief. “Did you know they were doing this?”

“No. If I had, I would’ve told them not to go through the trouble.”

“Do you like it?” My mom stood at the bottom of the basement steps with a huge grin on her face. “It was your father’s idea.”

“Seriously?” I thought it might’ve been my mom’s doing, but to know my dad started it, well… “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” my mom said as she walked toward the middle of the room. “You’re both home. You’re safe. That’s all we’ve ever wanted.”

“Dustin’s going to be pissed,” I said with a laugh. “He’s always wanted to do something like this.”

“He has both your rooms now,” my mom corrected me. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

A car door closed in the distance, announcing my dad’s arrival.

“Ah, that’ll must them now,” Mom said as she headed for the stairwell. “Come on up. We’ll get the rest of your things once we’re done.”

Looking at Kate, I managed a small smile, took her hand in mine, then followed my mom upstairs. We almost made it to the living room when Dustin ran down the hall, throwing his arms around us.

“You’re here,” he said cheerfully. “It’s almost like having Christmas all over again.”

“Except this time, we don’t leave,” I said.

“Well, we will,” Kate corrected me, “but only for a few days at a time.”

“Kate.” My dad waited until Dustin was through, then hugged each of us in turn. “How was the drive?”

“We must’ve left at the right time,” I told him. “The traffic was pretty light.”

My dad made a sound of approval, then went off to help my mom with the food while ushering Dustin out of the living room.

Alone with Kate, I took a moment to process everything that had just happened. I might’ve lived inside this house my entire life, but having her here now and knowing we weren’t going back tomorrow was just…

“Hey.” Kate placed a hand on my arm. “You all right?”

I nodded, then looked right at her. Soft brown eyes met mine, her brows furrowing seconds later.

“You’re holding her back, aren’t you?” Kate asked as she guided me toward the sofa.

I didn’t trust my voice to work, so I nodded instead.

“It’s a lot to take in,” Kate admitted. “It’s okay if–”

“No,” I croaked once we sat down. “I’ll be fine. Just give me a–”

My voice cut out. My arms trembled as my wolf’s fur tickled the base of my neck.

“Come on.”

I shook my head.

“You’ll feel so much better once you let her out.”

Kate was right, but I couldn’t stomach the thought of leaving her like this. Not now. I gritted my teeth and fought my wolf back, but she fought harder still.

Determined to have her way, my wolf clawed under my skin, dropping me to my knees as soon as Kate pulled me off the sofa.

“No,” I said loud enough for my folks to hear. “I don’t want to leave you.” My fangs lengthened, cutting the tip of my tongue as I spoke.

“You aren’t,” Kate said in a hushed tone. “You won’t.” She paused and glanced behind her. “We’re going out. Save some for us?”

Someone said something I couldn’t hear, their words lost to me as my shift started to take hold.

“Stop fighting it.” Kate squeezed my arm hard enough for me to hear her words, giving me something to focus on outside of myself as we neared the front door. “Let her out.”

I clenched my jaw, closing my eyes tight even though I’d shifted around Kate in the past. “We just got here.”

We hadn’t even settled in yet.

“We’ll have time later,” she said while helping me out onto the front porch. “Thanks.”

I wanted to ask who she was talking to, but as soon as I picked up Dustin’s scent, I knew.

I was on the verge of shifting, and they were letting me. All four of them.

“Why won’t you help me?” I asked while hugging my arms around myself.

“We are helping.” Kate walked me to the middle of the lawn, then crouched in front of me. “I’m here. We’re here. We’re home. It’s safe. You can shift. It’s all right.”

I tried to turn away, but she wouldn’t let me.

Instead, Kate cupped my head in her hands and kissed me on the lips. “I love you so much,” she said, her voice strained with tears, “and it hurts me to see you like this. So please, for your wolf’s better health, please turn.”

“But it isn’t a full moon.” I’d only just gotten over my last turn.

“All the more reason to let her out.” Kate was lost to me, her face distorted behind a thick fog.

“No.” I jolted as though I were falling in a dream and instinctively pulled away.

“Stop fighting.”

“Let go.”

“It’s okay, Liv. You’re okay.”

There were so many people talking all at once, I had a hard time pointing them out.

Thrust into a sea of darkness, I had no choice but to give in. Into my wolf. Her call. All of it.

As I did, I concentrated on Kate, on her faint scent, and her closeness to me. She wouldn’t leave me, I knew she wouldn’t, but as I changed forms, I was vulnerable. Anything could’ve happened to her and there would’ve been a damned thing I could do about it.

“It’s okay,” I could hear someone say.

“We’ve got her. She’s part of the pack now.”

“We’ll protect her, Liv. We all will.”

I wanted to stay with them, to pull myself out of a shift I couldn’t fight. Instead, I struggled, stuck somewhere between human and wolf as my entire family watched.

“I’m here.”


Her voice sounded terribly far away.

Tension built beneath my shoulder blades, causing my shirt to tighten and itch. Without thinking, I took it off, leaving it to lay somewhere in front of me as I worked on my pants. I was desperate now. Desperate to be done with my shift.

So I worked with my wolf, tumbling through the darkness until I reached the other side.

When I finally opened my eyes, Kate was smiling at me, her body free of clothing, much like my own.

Kate? I whimpered and nuzzled at her pale form.

“If you’re going to run,” she said as she leaned over top of me, “then I’m going too.”

I glanced from her to my folks by the house, then back again. But why? She’d exposed herself. As a wolf, that exposure was temporary. But for her…

“Do you think you can carry me?” Kate asked as she looked deep within my wolf’s eyes.

I… yes. I let out a low whine and wagged my tail. Most times when I changed, we’d lay under the covers. Only now that she’d said it, I wanted nothing more than to run with her.

So as my family looked on, I lowered close to the ground. A new surge of energy came over me as Kate pressed her hands into my shoulders, holding on to clumps of fur as I stood. With Kate safely positioned on my back, I peered back at her and smiled. Why have I never thought of this before? I wondered as I tested our combined weight on one foot, then the other.

In the city, it wasn’t an option. But out here?

I wanted to run with her and more.

Ready? I studied her eyes which were free of fear, then gently licked her cheek.

“Is this okay?” she asked as she leaned forward, hugging her arms around me.


Afraid of displacing her if I went too fast, I started at a canter. When Kate’s movements kept up with mine, I picked up the pace and headed for the far side of our territory. Soil kissed my paws as I ran through the tall grass, the sharp blades barely registering against my fur as Kate held me close.

“This is amazing,” she said as she tucked her head close to my neck. “You’re amazing.”

My tail wagged behind us as we traversed over one hill and down another. All the while, Kate never let go. She never slipped or fell.

So after the third lap around our border, I took off, howling as I did.

And it was then, in the distance, when I heard the cries of my pack.

Their howls.

Quiet at first, they quickly grew, filling me with warmth as soon as I realized what they were for.

There weren’t any threats. We weren’t in danger.

But my family kept calling out in celebration.

For us.

Our bond.

For her.
