Page 72 of We Will Rule

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“Yeah. He wanted me to tell you how I felt—how I feel—but we haven’t had an explicit conversation about what happens now. Neither have we,” she says, pointing between us. She’s tugging at her lip with her teeth, which is a sure sign she’s stressing. Stressed is not how I want her to feel after the last half hour.

“Do you want to do that now?” I ask.

“You think he’ll be okay with it?”

I smile, thinking about how he put me up to this. He knew exactly what was going to happen.

“Yeah. He was the one who made me realize I was an idiot. Him and Nico.” She raises her eyebrows.


“Is that okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, of course,” she says as she reaches over to grab her phone from where she left it on the way in. “And you’re okay with it?”

“With you seeing Ezra too?” She nods. “I am. Didn’t think if I ever got you I’d share you with anyone, but with him, it doesn’t feel weird.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure, Angel. Now check in with Ezra so you can chill out.”

She types something, and a smile comes half a minute later before she puts her phone down and walks over, hugging my waist and resting her chin on my chest to look up at me. “Ezra said we only get alone time if you’ve earned it.”

“Oh, really?” I ask. She nods. “And have I earned it?”

“Definitely.” She grins. “Twice over.” She giggles, and I can’t help but return her smile as the timer goes off. We eat and chat like normal, and it’s like the last couple of awkward days never happened. We’re just Harlow and Sawyer, same as we have been for years. Except this time when she hands me her plate, I can kiss her instead of just thinking about it.

“That was amazing,” I say, stretching in satisfaction.

“It really was,” she says with a yawn.

“Early night?”

“Yeah, I’ve got an early start.”

“Me too,” I say. “The fundraiser starts in the morning.”

“Oh, yeah,” she says before yawning again. “Damn. I’m never this tired.”

“Are we wearing you out?” I grin thinking of all the ways Ezra and I could keep her tired and sated. I may wind up enjoying this “sharing” thing.

“Maybe, but I’m sure I can find some energy from somewhere,” she jokes.

“That sounds like a challenge,” I say, pulling her in for a kiss. Her phone pings, but she ignores it, jumping into my arms again. I’m not complaining—if I could keep her here forever, I would. It goes off again as I walk her to my room, and I grab it as I pass, handing it to her as I lower her onto my bed. I flick the TV on and lay next to her. As much as a repeat sounds tempting, she is tired and sore, and I’m down for a good snuggle.

“What did Ezra say to you?” she asks, going back to our conversation from earlier. I’m glad she wasn’t annoyed we’d been talking about her. I think for this thing between us all to work, it’s going to take a lot of talking things out.

“He gave me shit for turning you down. I said I’d never do that—that it was the other way round.”

She frowns. “I didn’t turn you down.”

“Well, I know that now.” I hold her close, thinking of how miserable I was for the few days things weren’t good between us.

“It was kind of scary, wasn’t it?” she says pensively.

“Yeah, but only because we already have something so great at risk.”

She idly traces my abs under my top, following the pattern with her eyes, and when I tense, she looks back at me. “I’ve wanted to touch you like this for so long,” she breathes.

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