Page 85 of We Will Rule

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“Okay, I’ll wait for you,” he says.

“No, it’s fine,” I say quickly, looking back at Fleur. “Go back to the party. I’ll meet you there soon.”

The next time he speaks, his voice sounds closer. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” he asks through the bathroom door.

“Yep,” I call back a little too brightly, but he must sense I need space, because he finally agrees to meet me back at Ezra’s. We hear the door shut again and both sag in relief.

“Thank you so much for this. I didn’t even ask if you were free,” Fleur says.

“I’m always free for you,” I reassure her. She smiles weakly at me.

“You look insane, by the way. You’re worth the wait for Sawyer.” I grin back at her in thanks, and she wrings her hands. “Jesus. I can’t even have a drink to take the edge off. What if I am?”

“What are you hoping for?” I ask.

“Stupidly? Stupidly, I hope I am. It’s what I’ve always wanted. But what will I do?”

“You’ll take it and show Lee, and you’ll work it out together. You know I’m always here for you, no matter what you decide. But he’s a decent guy, and he deserves to know. You two are amazing together.Ifit’s positive, you’ll work it out as a team.”

“You make it sound easy,” she says with a small laugh.

“I’m pretty sure this is the easiest bit, so I hope so,” I say. The blare of my phone alarm stops any more words, and she takes a deep breath before she spins and picks up the stick. She freezes.

“Well?!” I ask.

She turns it to face me, and my face splits into the biggest smile. “Congratulations! You’re pregnant!” I hug her to me, holding the offending stick away from us as we laugh, hug, and cry all at the same time, and when I finally release her, she’s still in shock. Taking the test off her, I hold it up in front of me, making sure not to touch the other end. I don’t think I’ll ever bethatclose to anyone.

“Why are you taking a picture?” she finally asks.

“Because when you’ve finally taken all of this in, I’ll send it to you, and you can remember this moment and how much happiness is in it. I have a feeling you’re not processing at the moment, but it’ll come. It’ll all be okay.”

“You are the best,” she replies simply. It reminds me of Sawyer and how I’ve said that to him for years, and I think of my guys waiting for me, ofmyhappy ending. “Okay, I’m gonna tell him,” she says.Me too,I think.

“Keep me updated?” I say.

“Of course. Thank you. I’m going to go, and I’m so sorry I messed up your plans!” she says, wiping the tears from her face.

“They’re not messed up. I’m glad you came.” I give her one last hug.

“Thanks, Harlow.”

When Fleur has left and I’ve checked I look okay again, I join everyone over at Ezra’s. Sawyer pounces on me as soon as I enter, checking my face for any signs of distress. I may have gotten a little teary at Fleur’s news, but hopefully I’m not too red.

“I’m fine,” I beam at him. “Just needed some extra time.”

“Okay,” he says, not completely convinced, but he plays it off. “The extra time was spent well. You look incredible.” I don’t get to reply before arms loop around my waist from behind.

“Fuck, you look amazing. My very own Barbie,” Ezra growls into my ear, and I heat, looking up to let Sawyer see the lust that fills my eyes.

“Do we have to go out at all? We live right across the hall, we can just go home?” he asks, not looking away from me, which makes me smile and step away from them both.

“Yes, we do, we’re here for Liv’s birthday. Keep your hands to yourself,” I tease as I go to find Liv.

It’s not long before we head to the bar, where we have a great evening, laughing and drinking with Liv—who I love—and even Eli is being half-decent. Maybe it was a turning point with us and he’ll be okay now?

Coming back from the toilet, I scan the crowd for one of my guys and freeze when I see the girl from Ezra’s housewarming party. Standing way too close to Sawyer. Her hand is stroking his arm as she reaches on her tiptoes and whispers into his ear, her body pressed up against his. And he seems to be... letting her. I push my way through the crowd to find Ezra, but before I can, Sawyer is suddenly in front of me.

“Hey, there you are,” he says.
